Do you know that cats are our protectors in the energy world?
Cats have a connection to the invisible magical world, just as dogs are our guardians in the physical world, cats are our protectors in the energetic world.
During the awake time, the cat goes "cleaning" your house of the intrusive energies.
When you sleep, it filters and transforms this energy.
The cat can often be in places with low circulation of vital Chi energy to be able to activate this area.
Many times the cat stares at nothing, totally concentrated ... he surely sees things that we do not see, from microscopic insects to beings of other dimensions.
As often as his cat goes to an isolated place in the house and begins to meow, it is not only attention that he wants, it is a kind of alert that he is giving: the quality of energy of that place needs to improve.
Our problems, our daily stress is absorbed by the cat.
When it is too much and the place is very charged with negative energy, it is not uncommon for the cat to become ill.
Of course the cat is not the only one responsible for the energy balance of the house, but he tries very hard.
The more harmony there is in your environment, the less negative energy it will need to filter and as a result it will be happier and healthier.
When we sleep our astral bodies separate from the physical body and go to a fifth dimension, the dimension without time and space: the dimension we are when we dream.
For lack of training and preparation, most of the time we do not see this dimension as it is, instead we "disguise" it and codify it as our psychic and unconscious content.
Cats often accompany us on these astral journeys or protect our astral body, in addition to taking care of our undesirable piece of spirits when we are sleeping.
These are the reasons why they like to sleep with us in bed.
Cats also monitor our evolution.
During their coexistence with us, they transmit information to the higher dimensions, serving as radars and transmitters.
In addition to this, as energy transformers they aid in healing, playing a role similar to that of crystals.
Kittens are teachers, they teach us to love. A free love, not submissive, respectful of the arbitrariness of others and differences.
That is why so many people have difficulty living with cats and find them "interested".
First, you have to conquer the cat's trust. Then you have to learn to respect it.
He will show you affection when it is really prepared and not when you send it to him. Cats reflect love.
From the energetic point of view, people who have allergies to cats are people who have difficulty letting love enter their lives.
According to Caroline Connor, if there are many people in the family and a single cat, he can be overburdened by absorbing the negativity of all.
It is good to have more than one cat to divide the burden between them, especially in those cases.
If you do not have a cat, and suddenly one appears in your life, it is because you need a kitten at a specific time.
The kitty wants to help you. If you can not accommodate him, it is important that you find him a home.
The kitten came to you for some reason that you can not understand on a physical level, but you can discover it through dreams.
Many times the kitten appears, fulfills its function and leaves.
Stay tuned for how cats react to visitors in your home.
Many times they are trying to protect you from a negative or heavy energy field.
Here some pictures about beautiful little cats
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