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RE: Are we raising a generation of idiots?

in #life7 years ago

It is sad to see children not talking and sharing with parents, perhaps this is the parents fault for not making them feel included into conversations, or discussing something of interest in what they enjoy.

Not an easy topic, since we were raised in a different time without TV or phones in our formative years, outdoors and friends were all we knew.

My sons on the other hand now in their mid-thirties, have had a computer in the home since they were about six and eight years old. Time was allotted to time on the computer, also divided between learning and gaming.

Currently when it is just the two of them they have huge debates over the latest gaming and design. We even debated how the gamer's are upset with crypto world grabbing their hardware for mining, making it more expensive for them to obtain gaming cards.

Parents (especially us older lot) need to reflect on what we would have done at that age had we been given the opportunity in technology, we need to see life through their eyes now @giantbear