Humdinger night followed after wee bit of work, yup must have floored the family simply watch you rise still slightly plastered! Well done....
Humdinger night followed after wee bit of work, yup must have floored the family simply watch you rise still slightly plastered! Well done....
I always laugh as it is a wee bit of work but I was so in used to it I am goosed the next day!! 🤣
Lost our stride in 'work' and pub crawls, both hit back of late!
Haha, aye. One just keep their dander up though!! 😀
Now don't go getting anyone's dander up, keep it low key!
Haha, it's hard not to at times!! 🤣
Wait, you yet to learn about those that hit the hamster wheel...
He looks relatively happy... 😀😀