There's been a ton of suppression of women for thousands of years, but you see millionaires like Ellen Degeneres and female CEOs complaining that women don't make as much as men in the workplace, as if it's a conspiracy against all women. Because how could a woman start her own business and be her own boss?
We should definitely stop the suppression of all people.. but sometimes feminist start to blame all of their problems on men, and it distracts people from more real issues that women still face, such as sexual harassment, etc.
It is more than attention on a subject of value of an archetype of feminity, than normal emancipation
The archetype aspect is very interesting. Not intending my response to sound argumentative, but just sharing my thoughts with you... Although I very much appreciate the feminine qualities and differences, I tend to see all of these archetypes as a false division sometimes. There is so much duality in this universe such as masculine/feminine, light/dark, etc. and maybe we put too much emphasis on the parts sometimes and we miss seeing the 'whole' of it.