Vietnam 2017 is USA 1950, Argentina 1920, Rome, Persia, USSR, Cuba, North Korea, China, Venezuela, England, EU, as corporatism rises, legally, through the law, the constitution, through governmental infiltration, application, propagation, as progressivism rises through popular culture brain washing, Hollywood, Zing, the media, television, music, sports, through education, the drug companies, as monopolism rises, as the patterns repeat themselves again and again and again and again and again and again through socialism, communism, Maoism, Leninism, Marxism, Stalinism, Neo-Liberalism, progressivism, Leftism, bigger governmentism, and/or also maybe fascism, too. Sometimes, it seems that communist countries will say that fascism is bad. Likewise, it seems that fascist governments will say that communism is bad.
What do you think is better, fascism or communism? Too often, that question is asked. Too often, the wrong questions are asked. Both of those things are pretty bad, right? Fascism and communism have problems. That is why I'm more for Americanism, patriotism, real capitalism over fake crony monopoly capitalism. Too often, people will say that capitalism is bad but they're not really talking about free market capitalism with enough competition, with enough freedoms, choices, decisions, rights, of speech, religions, property, land, farms, arms, privacy, cryptocurrency, and everything.
Rolling Thunder
2017-10-31 - created - Tuesday 1:45 PM MDNH
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