I've been told I was mansplaining one time, and it wasn't my intention. I asked her why she felt I was mansplaining, and basically, she felt what I said was patronizing. I think as a man, it's important for me to understand why a woman may feel that way, as I do try to be an advocate an ally for equality among genders. We need to learn why someone says we're mansplaining, and be sensitive to that.
So I think some mansplaining is unintentional, and we need to learn. But I know there are men out there that definitely mansplain and it may be more intentional, or maybe intentional isn't quite the right word, but definitely a case of a man explaining things in a way that comes off as if he's looking down on a woman, because he probably does look down to her somewhat.. And I fear some men will never learn.
I will say right now, though, if anyone ever feels like I'm mansplaining, please let me know and let me know why you feel that way, because if I'm to learn to not do that so much, it's something I need to know that I did. I'm not always aware that I mansplained. And having Asperger's doesn't exactly help me recognize it immediately.