To Bra or Not to Bra - That is the Burning Question...

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Bras bug me.

I've been having ye olde bra debate in my head for years now.

And while I understand the practical benefits of bras for ladies who are generously gifted in the boob department, for us mere mortal women who are effectively in no danger of hurting ourselves without one...what's the point?

Ok, I'll admit, they look good.

But man, are they uncomfortable. Unless you take out a small mortgage and get yourself some of those tailor made, high end, made from silk bras that caress you like a soft, feathery kiss and make you feel like Claudia Schiffer.

At least, that's what I assume they do.

Mine have mostly been purchased from the likes of Matalan and Primark.

In my ideal world, bras are an accessory to be worn only when it's 'feel sexy' time. I attempt to be a non-bra wearing citizen on a regular basis. But when I'm running into school because I'm late to pick up the kids, and everything is flapping everywhere it just kinda feels wrong.

Like I'm some kind of brazen hussy displaying my wares for the world to see because I'm that kind of woman.

There was one time when I was in a bra-abandoning phase that my husband and I went out for a meal with my in-laws. Unfortunately the restaurant was annoyingly cold and I ended up going into the toilet and pushing pieces of toilet paper down my top to try and hide my nipples.

Not my finest hour.

But here's the thing that gets me...

What's with this feeling of shame that women have when they're not latching in and locking down their boobs?

It's not like it's the same when we wear short sleeved t-shirts or sandals.

Shit! People can see my arm! What will they think of me?

Oh my god! Everyone can see I've got toes!! Oh the shame!!

At the same time though, as much as I feel that there should be no issue surrounding going bra-less, I've gotta say I was dead set against that (thankfully fleeting) fashion of wearing jeans halfway down your bum in order to display the upper regions of your bum crack.

Although to be fair, that's just because it looks really crap.

I read somewhere recently that wearing underwired bras on a daily basis increases your risk of breast cancer. I have no idea if this is actually true or not, but it does seem reasonable that constantly pinching your boobs in with metal wire isn't going to be good for them.

So what's the answer here?

To bra or not to bra?

The bottom line is, it should be each and every woman's individual choice. No shame, no self consciousness, no problem. I know there are a bunch of cool gals out there who genuinely don't give a crap about this, but then there are plenty more who still have this crazy body shame thing.

Perhaps if more women jumped on the no bra train, in time it really would be less of a thing.

And then we could all go around flapping everything everywhere and feel just dandy about it.

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No bra is the best. Bra is unhealthy. Do you think the cavewoman used a bra? 5092467-01e.jpg

Let your tits swing freely(o)(o) !

I've gotta say, those tan lines suggest that a bra or similar has been worn quite a lot in this case. :)

Yes, I saw that after I posted it:)

Man does not have this issue. I think health is the most important for women to wear bras.

Yes, health should always be top of the list!

Despite having no skin in the game (literally in his case) I've wondered about this a lot.

I read somewherea while back (can't find the article yet) that the mostly, the entire notion sagging is really due to overwearing bras and skin losing its elasticity as a result. Is there any truth to that?

Oh yes, you've reminded of this - I'm sure I've read it somewhere too... that bras contribute to sagging over the years rather than help you avoid it. I guess it kinda makes sense, because your chest muscles are not having to work at all if you are wearing a bra. Interesting...

Well muscles notwithstanding, your skin's natural elasticity isn't being used. So it stops reinforcing with all the movement.

Right yes, it stands to reason... I did a little reading around and apparently bras can negatively affect both the skin elasticity and also the muscles in the breasts called 'suspension muscles' which work with connective tissue structures to keep everything supported.

Oh I was wondering about that!
If we had some kind of muscle working to hold them up.

Hahahahaaaa!!! Oh my God, I'm dying here! And I could not agree more with everything in this, from the Bras bug me (oh they do) to the feeling like it's wrong to be flapping and flopping when running into a public place, LOL. Oh, and the arse-crack showing fashion, yep, about as attractive as what comes out of said arse crack.

I'm going to put up a color challenge/newbie promotional post , and you-and this- are definitely being featured :)

about as attractive as what comes out of said arse crack.

Hahaha! Perfectly put!!

So glad you liked. Thank you VERY much again for the feature!!

I'm with you on this. It's a cultural obsession in the west. We've bound our breasts, corseted them, and crammed them into bras for generations now to please the eye of those with power. Or to hide them from those in power. Personally, in the winter, you'll likely find me braless, under a couple of shirts and sweater, even when I go out.

Your point is valid, we've been made to feel so much shame about everything that nature has provided us with. Decency is subjective and no matter how old I get, I always have this voice in my head asking me if what I'm wearing is decent, will I bring shame upon myself? Sometimes I tell it to bog off, but I'm not comfortable. I know I should be, but, DECENCY. It's so irritating being a strong, liberated woman with this nagging constant reminder from your childhood.

Great post, lady, and keep them coming! :)

Oh yeah, I know that voice too. Where did it come from? My mum? My mum's mum? It's just a little voice that's been passed down through generations of women now. Gawd bless those winter sweaters though - makes it a much easier choice!

Cheers @smuggly-sparrow :)

nice comment for a great post...your submission is on not to bra option...when do we start burning those bras!

Yeah! hail to no bra! You girls will extend the lifespan of guys! xD

I support the no bra option...but am curious... was hoping to see some images of your chest so as to wonder how you may be when the not to bra option becomes popular..but its ok... i will keep thinking...
nice post dear... for the issue of wearing under wired bras... it may be true...
thanks for sharing this wonderful piece with lots of humor to it...

Tut tut... curiosity killed the cat you know!

Well...that curiosity is already killing this kitty steemian who loves the not to endowed kinda bra less size!;)
Nice one ur work. Find time to also read my articles...

Sure thing, I'll check out your page :)

Still laughing while I am locked in my worse, daily nightmare because my boobs are just too big to let them free.

I saw this cute article a bit late but really enjoyed all your vibrant stories so far.

Wonderful to meet you.

Oh @mammasitta!! I'm so glad you are enjoying, I'm going to head over to your page now. :)

wow... this post just came to me in the right time! I have a lot to say about this issue you know?
because well.. my boobs are small and don't go flapping everywhere so I really think is pointless for me to wear bra on a daily basis, but once again oh, society and its ridiculous rules...
I live in south america where this topic is so far behind and men sexualize SO MUCH boobs, natural-non natural and it really feels uncomfortable when some crusty men see you with thirst (as I said, I try to wear bra the less possible I can, so it have happened to me several times and yikes!).

Casually, today I bought a bra non underwired because I can't stand the rigid sensation of the metal,I didn'tknow it could cause cancer too.
Anyway, I just really really hope that in a future women can wear clothes without bra AND without shame or fear for being sexualized when is not.
I personally don't feel any shame for a part of my body that is just that, a nice part and that's all. But I know is not like that for most, like for example I have a sister who hates being without bra, she's the one that makes me sometimes wear one at my own home! when visits come etc.
I just think still is SO pointless....
This is such an awesome post.

And an awesome comment, thank you! I have the same hopes for the future. It's not nice to feel vulnerable just because you are not strapping in. :)

I like them bazooka style bras that shoot stuff. 👍

Hi Johleen,

Very good question! I'm all for bralessness! The thing is breasts are made to bounce, when they don't toxins tend to get stuck in them. That's why it's not so healthy to wear a bra. Also it's tight and can itch. I have been wearing an option in between no bra and bra for quite some time. They are those stretchy tops, made of soft fabric that can even have padding in them. They don't give much support but they are also not tight or itchy and they do conceal your nipples a bit, especially if you don't take the padding out. I'm back to propper br'as now though because my breasts got heavier and were pulling my upper back forward and down. I had to get used to it again though, being in bra prison lol, and buying a new proper bra in the bra shop was quite the adventure. The ladies helping you there are soooo dedicated to bra's in general that I totally shocked them, not owning a proper bra and giving most bra models they gave to me to try on, back to them saying this one strangles me, I can't breath in that one etc. Up to the point that they felt like I insulted them instead of the bra's. I was thinking to myself: You ARE not a bra yourself are you? Total bra- identification if you ask me. 😉 Usually when I meet someone not wearing a bra I think to myself: Wow, she's so free and self accepting and sexy! So yes, let's identify with that!

Hahaha "total bra-identification" !! That's so funny!

Yeah, I went through a phase of wearing those tie string bikini tops instead of a bra. At least they're adjustable and don't have any metal bits in!

Yes to identifying with freedom, self acceptance and sexiness!!

hahaha! @johleen this whole post is a debate I have with myself everyday when getting ready tomorrow your words "And then we could all go around flapping everything everywhere and feel just dandy about it." will be at the front of the decision

Great post! No wonder so many people are resteeming it!

Don't get me started on bras, I hated most of the ones I "had" to wear over the years (I'm looking at you, wired bras 😠).

Since having kids and starting breastfeeding, I started wearing nursing bras which were always wireless and super comfy, so now I only ever wear wireless bras, but only when I go out. It would be torture to have to wear one at home! No thanks 🙂

yep those wired bras... those are the ones....ooooh don't even get me started.... again.... ha!

Cheers @redrica :)

A fabulous post! LOL
Where am I on the bra debate? I only wear them when I'm out in public, if I have visitors at the house, or if I need to do any kind of yard work. Unfortunately I'm well-endowed and keeping the boys high and dry is better than having them sweat and stick to my belly. gross!

My husband teases me because I've gotten quite acclimated to the area we live in because when we moved from NY to FL there was a 60 degree difference. You better believe I was bra-less, pant-less and shoe-less hugging my fan. Hubby took one look at me and asked, "What the hell happened to you?" and my response was, "I ain't wearing pants. You can't make me!"

But when you live in an area where we have Naked Farmer's Market day, I suppose going braless is not a big deal. I personally don't like my nipples popping up to say hello. I've given up on regular bras and mostly wear sports bras now. Yup. Squeeze them in high and tight. Frankly, it hurts too much if they have too much freedom and it saves my back too... which means sometimes I go shirtless too! What? It's more coverage than a bathing suit! LOL

Hahaha! Oh @merej99 this wins points for being the funniest comment yet!

"I ain't wearing pants. You can't make me!"... Been there! It reminds me of when I was heavily pregnant with my first during a summer heatwave. I was basically a big, naked ball of sweaty blubber lying prone on the bed in front of a fan... for weeks. Ha!

Wow - naked farmers market day???

The mind boggles!!

If ya need it wear it. that's all I can say, but darn if it doesn't feel great taking it off. At least it's not like when I was a kid in the 60s and my mother, upon arriving home in the afternoon, would announce in a very loud sing-song-y voice "I'll be upstairs taking off my gir-dle!"

Haha! Oh gosh... girdles... worst invention ever? God forbid anyone sees we have bellies right? :)

so true...or that we have soft curves!
my mother wore that girdle so much, my sister said she thought our mother actually slept in it! In the meantime, I do like to wear spanx on occasion ;-)

Nothing wrong with a bit of spanxing now and then. ;-)

My only thought on this is that for the well endowed, gravity is a cruel master...

being a guy i would say no bra all day long :) And even though i understand some practical implications of a bra for me being a male it is more of an obstacle than any value lol

A very practical viewpoint to have I would say heh heh!

So there is practicality everywhere :)

I like that kind of male view point!

And i hope that more males like it too :) It is simply unfair :)

Me too and most of all it hides the real treasure, though some like the gift wrapping more then the gift.

Hmmm people have different and funny priorities :) I like the candy, not the wrap lol

No Bra

I have supported the no bra cause since I was about 16 years old myself.

HAHA Charles! Very noble of you. :)

LOLZ.... that picture said it all. Why bother wearing bra anyway. haha. Tthis also bring about a study I read, bra can actually restrict the circulation of blood to your breast, making it prone to lots of disease too. Well, cause your lymph fluid can't flow. Some even said it correlates with breast cancer. I guess people used bra just to cover their nipples basically. It's an old fashioned thought passed down from centuries. But hmm I don't want my daughter to be running around in front of everyone braless too. Just inviting unnecessary harassment. Hmm what a paradox. Let all just blame Eve who ate that apple.

Yes I've read that too. :) Darn you Eve!!

Nice to hear guys are not all about sexy lingery.

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hahaha, great post, love it. personally, i care little now what zee world thinks and i do my best on a daily basis to steer well clear of it! i'm adding you to my steemvoter so you'll always get a vote! have a great day :)

Haha yes zee world can think what it likes! Oh, thank you so much I really appreciate that! Have a great day too. :)

I will far rather see the race of man extinct than that we should become less than beasts by making the noblest of God's creation, woman, the object of our lust.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Wonderful quote from a very cool guy. Thank you!

No bra plz. And take a selfie :D

Ha! Your request has been noted. :)

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This post has received a 1.56 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

It's a social thing, but I don't think women should have to hide their nipples if it happens to be cold and they are visible through the shirt.

It's not long ago quite many bras were sho thin you could see nipples through them too if it was cold.

But it should be every womans personal choice. Nowdays it is something which is seen as something you have to do, sadly.

Right, it is sad isn't it. But I think things are changing slowly but surely!

Burn the bra! Thats my opinion :)

loving you for this comment... ladies should be aware that men will willingly help burn all those bras caging those beauty inside... i like you support the not to bra option!

Ha ha, thanks - I think :)

You think! Yes we can...tks anyways & which area do you blog?

Yes! And then make tree decorations out of all the millions of little C shaped metal bits that would be left over haha!

This post has received a 1.81 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @johleen.

I love this post! I wrote one about the horrors experienced when my mom bought my my first training bra. It was a horrific thing stealing my childhood from me. I dislike bras intensely and heels! Horrible inventions.🐓

nice comment.... so does it mean since you for not to bra... that you support burning all those bras! dont you wear any... maybe they also have some of good use to those as the writer pointed out are greatly endowed...

Haha! Oh gosh, don't even get me started on 'training' bras.... training for what exactly?? And I'm right there with you about the heels too. Why? Just why?!

Ah, me neither never wear heels. Just feel like I can't connect to the earth in them.

So true about those heels! Thanks for stopping by. 🐓🐓

pix or it didnt happen

You asked for it...!


I want my baby back bay back

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I feel like I should comment. Because your writing is wonderful. But then I feel like people will think I'm just being a pervert because this post is about boobs. Dilemma!

Haha! Well I, for one, am very glad you commented. Thank you! :)

Fun post. We have a routine in our home... when my husband gets home, he takes off his socks. When I get home, I take off my bra. 😀

Haha! I like it. :)

They kill me so I vote no.

Clearly a woman who knows knows exactly what she does and doesn't want in life! 💪 💪 💪

That and explaining to children why you have to shave your legs, other than it looks nice and other people might comment, at the same time trying to teach them not to care what other people think. Arggghh the tribulations of being a parent.

Oh hahaha! Yes! I have been in this conundrum so often with my kids.

Why are you pulling out your eyebrows?

Why are you drawing on your eyes?

Why have you got lipstick on your toenails?

The way my kids phrase the questions seems to make it all the more ridiculous that I'm actually doing any of this stuff. :)

ha love this post

Awesome, thanks!

Lol, yes, it should be a choice and not a thing!

Down with things! Up with Choice! :)

Huzzah!! I shall never wear them again!!

Yes, yes and yes! I haven't worn a bras for years now, except on the odd occasion when I want to dress up a bit.

Way to go @kiwideb! :)

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Success always to you @johleen...

And to you...!

Sexy Gril.......,,,,,,,