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RE: Fluoride & other toxins in our Municipal water supplies are poisoning you. They are full of toxins and crap. Here's some VISUAL proof. Is YOUR water supply polluted similarly?

in #life8 years ago

WOW - We need more of this information out there - 100% agree

I use a distiller but something to consider about our water, no just the flouride and yeah - it is bad.... but consider the chlorine that they use to kill bacteria?
Think about it! Chlorine... in our guts we have bacteria, this is called our gut flora. Chlorine is killing this and making us sick...
Also..governments telling us to cover up, put sunscreen on, wear a hat... whatever you do, avoid the sun!!!!
We are (as a society) lacking vitamin D.
If anyone is suffering pain... please check out my post
It might just help someone!
Keep up the good work!