Sometimes just warning people of possible impending situation is not enough. You have to help, and guide them away from danger slowly over time. Economically things have been slowly unraveling for a few decades here in the USA. So people have become used to the yearly increases in inflation, and sometimes expect it. Home prices are a great example of inflation since people always expect the value of their home to rise. But in reality that is not the case, and people should be more prepared for that to happen.
Working in the new knowledge base economy via internet is also new, and has it's challenges. No matter what you have created don't give up, and modify, and expand. It takes years to build a new business, and even longer within a industry that really didn't exist 20 years ago. So I encourage you to keep pushing into the future, and to reach for your dreams. And please don't forget to bring others along for the ride.
Today I give a shoutout to our friend Senn Nathan @ since he will be back online soon.
Also we encourage to continue to build it's site, and to provide cryptocurrency backed possibilities to everyone involved.
So forward to the future and Steem On!
Happy Travels,
When 75% of the people in a society do not have the money to participate in that economy it becomes irrelevant what or how that economic model does. Today most people are so far into debt there is no sensible recovery methods available. People have lost faith and hope and have simply stopped spending . . .