Understanding how to be successful starts with the basics of learning how to be coachable.
One of the greatest skills ever developed by great leaders and successful business people is that of being coachable. While many people think of leaders and successful business people as the one actually coaching and influencing others, the truth is one that hides and remains their greatest asset. In this 45 minute webinar we will explore why this is so and how to see the strength and value in this unique skill set that many of the top leaders understand well.
To reserve your spot and become part of the charismatic lifestyle community please sign up for all future events here as well as the upcoming webinar.
I actually read your post but what caught my attention the most was your hat and it looks good on you fine sir! 👌
thank you, I actually purchased this hat in Venice, Italy
hopefully people of this crypto community have a similar vision for the future. Coaching in this community will be beneficial for those learning a productive lifestyle.
LA rooftop chilling. That's a sign of the good life :)
this is in my home town of Clearwater, Florida, and the number 1 beach in America. I hope to see you on the webinar. Be sure to signup and join the community, it is free
cool photos, hopefully your success here, can motivate me.
thank you, my friend. I hope to see you on the webinar I am now following you
Being coachable Nice sentence hoe do I know if I am coachable ?