Hello my friends from steemit, it's a pleasure to greet you, I'm glad to have a new opportunity to share with all of you, in this present opportunity I want to talk about a story or a story called the house of a thousand mirrors.
It is a small story that I hope makes us reflect a bit on our attitudes towards other people:
The house with a thousand mirrors

It is said that a long time ago, in a small and distant town, there was an abandoned house.
One day, a puppy seeking refuge from the sun managed to get through a hole in one of the doors of the house.

The doggy climbed slowly the old wood stairs.
When he finished climbing the stairs he came across a semi-open door; He slowly went into the room.
To his surprise, he realized that within that room there were 1000 more puppies watching him as closely as he observed them.
The dog began to move its tail and raise its ears little by little.
The 1000 puppies did the same.
Later he smiled and barked happily at one of them.
The puppy was surprised to see that the 1000 puppies also smiled and barked happily at him!
When he left the room, he kept thinking to himself: "What a nice place! I'm going to come more often to visit him!"
Some time later, another street dog entered the same place and found himself entering the same room.

But unlike the first one, this puppy, when he saw the other 1000 puppies in the room, felt threatened because they were seeing him in an aggressive way.
Later he began to growl; He obviously saw how the 1000 little dogs growled at him.

He began to bark at them ferociously and the other 1000 pups barked at him too.
When this little dog left the room he thought: "What a horrible place it is! He will never come back there again! "
On the front of the house was an old sign that read: "The house of the 1000 mirrors".

Decide which face you will carry inside, and that will be the one you will show.
The reflection of your gestures and actions is what you project before others.
The most beautiful things in the world are not seen or touched, they only feel with the heart.
You are not responsible for the face you have, you are responsible for the face you put on.