No joke.
This right here is a bona fide homemade-from-scratch pound cake that sold at auction for more than three thousand dollars. My mom made a few of these for some fancy smancy swoiray over in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. I think it was to benefit the Childrens' Cancer Center at Baptist Hospital, where she serves as a volunteer.
Now here is the twist:
The guy who bought it immediately put it back on the auction block and this same cake sold again for another two thousand eight hundred dollars. So the total raised in donations from just this one cake she provided was a cool six thousand dollars. Needless to say, it made her day, for sure.
Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The cake sold at the auction above was a chocolate pound cake, but I just don't care for those. So I've opted for one Strawberry and one Black Walnut pound cake. Two cakes to share amongst ourselves.I'm bringing two of these scrumptious cakes to @thewritersblock meetup in
Images mine
Mommy mine
Cake to be shared
Are it really six thousand dollars pound cake? I don't know why it is so highly priced. Can you tell the reason behind it so highly priced?
There was an auction and they kept bidding on it. The money went to the Childrens' Cancer Center.
These are a group of really rich people who probably would give the money anyway, but this way they do it in public and people get to see them being such good guys.
Wow that a good idea to do something for the childrens who is being suffering for cancer. I appreciate this way which they follow to do something for the sufferers.
What a great story, @jonknight! And I can't wait to try the cake!
Me too!
Dang. Y'all get to eat $6000 cake, and, well, I get to miss all of you :C
LOL! We'll make sure to post about it on steemit. With tasty words...
That is ultimately cool. Congratulations to your mother!
Now I'm wishing I could be at the Gatlinburg meetup to try a slice... :D

Thanks! She's volunteered there for so many years and this made her feel really proud and happy that they'd recognize her work this way. Over the years she has taken probably a couple hundred cakes to the Center and never charged a dime for them.
Wow. Imagine what she could get for the recipe!
I think I have it lying around here somewhere LOL. She was truly flabbergasted at the amounts her cakes brought in.
But she has been taking them with her every Monday for years when she volunteers, and folks were happy to make a 'deal' out of it. Like I said in the other comment, these folks were going to donate this money regardless--this was just a fun way of doing it!
The Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem is one of the best medical centers around these parts. She started volunteering there during her husband's illness, and continued on with it after he died several years ago.