A what so called complete family consist of a mother a father and their children,In a family it requires a breadwinner to provide the family basic needs which is food, shelter and clothing but in this picture its only a image of a mother and son where is the husband?.
Nature gives them the peace and love that they deserve but judgemental people trows them all the words that no one would want to hear.They judge easily by what their eyes can see, they dont know that the father is far away working and surviving every storm that he encounter during every sailing for he is a sailor..In this picture people can easily say that its a BROKEN FAMILY,SINGLE MOM but despite all those words there are the waves that splash them all away.A love for a family is unconditional,you are willing to sacrifice,do everything for them even it takes you to step out of your comfort zone.There is nothing that you cannot do.Being a sailors wife is hard, it requires me to be the mother and a father at the same time.Financially stable but money cannot bring back the time that has already passed.He leaves our baby when he was 6 months old and he will come back years after.He missed all those times where he can finally hear the words DADDY from his very first own blood.
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