Real Estate Developer who leaves his friend to die on the side of the road after colliding his car into a utility pole will be sentenced to 3 to 9 years in prison.
This story would shock me but amazingly it's not the first time I read a case like this. Just recently I posted a story about a young man who left his female passenger to burn alive in his car, and sadly this isn't much different.
Sean Ludwick, an Real Estate Developer from Manhattan is gonna call prison home for the next 3 to 9 years for being kind enough to pull his friend out of his Porsche but heartless enough to leave him laying on the side of the road without even calling for medical assistance.
Suffolk County Supreme Court Justice Fernando Camacho, wanted to give Ludwick life in prison but said he was bounded by the law so he can't give him such a sentence.
Catherine Hansen, the heartbroken widow was in court the day of sentencing, expressing her hurt on Ludwicks cruel and selfish act and telling the courts on his relationship with his own son.
Catherine Hansen burst into tears as she recalled, “You killed and discarded Paul. You fled, lied to passersby and police. You showed no concern for anyone other than yourself.”
I have not heard of this case so far. It's incredible how cruel some people can be
A lot of things are happening around the world at the moment we should be careful who we call friends
Amen to that
'A friend in need is a friend indeed' ~ he should regret for what he had done. Sad :(
@joseph oh so sad we should be more careful
What kind of human does that?
Such a selfish and cruel man. He deserves sentence
Wow this is sad but its a true reflection of the evil in this world today.
Great article.
this is sad. Sad to see this world can be so evil.
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It is unfortunate. heartbreaking events. They are friends who have no heart at all. thanks for sharing @joseph
that is not a friend , friends stick and help their friends
There is a lot of such things happening to return to life, there is nothing to be frustrated about, Take care
this is sad , and he say that that was his friend, no we dont treat friends like this and why leave him , had he commited a crime that he fled, it sad that someone had to die, no life loss is easy
he did nothing but still got convicted, lesson for all intentions defines us not only the actions.
this is an unfortunate incident.. but what is the finds of inquiry.. what reasons made him to act like a heartless and what that with his friend... do you have any information regarding inquiry findings????
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This is so wrong and we have to see through our own eyes how the world is really like these days.
This is a part of human life happening elsewhere in the world.
Your best friend can turn out to be your worst enemy, so watch who you call your friend and trust.
OMG! He is such a cold hearted snake.
Good post
it's very rare..but it happens sometime..thnx for this informations.
Was he in clear mind? or drunk?
I feel you shouldn't call him 'friend'. Cause, friend got friend's back.
what an idiot ( sorry for my words)
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This is messed up
What's happened that people no longer have heart or conscience? This is tragic and I'm glad he's getting penalized for his heartless actions
How on earth can anyone be so heartless, that is beyond my comprehension.
I my mind that is murder even that he did strangle him himself.
sad story
most probable he is full of remorse already after his sad eyes... sometimes people do very very cruel and stupid things which they regret all their life...
Friends how many of us have them 🎶 friends ones we can depend on 🎶 had to put that song clip in there cause friends are the closest and do some of the most harm.
Aww so sad; need to be careful !
HOMO SAPIENS is a fault.
he is not human but demon
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @joseph!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @joseph!
wow nice post :-D
A real shame for our society. This shows that humanity is dying from the hearts of the people. I am glad that there are a few people who still have humanity. But this incident is really heartbreaking and shameful
I read about this recently as well. I tried to think of a reason for his actions (like the trauma causing him to black out) but I just can't. I'm so sorry for the family and friends that were hurt by this.
Simply Put. People are weird.
thanks !
nice good job