For the last few years I kind of stopped watching local news, except for the rare occasion someone mentions an event that piques my interest. Today was one of those days, Mai a close friend of mine called me from NY and right away asked if I heard what happened to Jian. I answered "NO" , and he said he will send me a link to the story.
This is the link he texted me:
I was completely shocked; you hear about crime, you watch it everyday on TV, but it's never the same when you are acquainted with the people involved. Qihong is killed in a gruesome way and Jian is charged with her murder. These are not just names on TV, these are people I know, people I sat to the dinner table with.
![]() | Jiansen Liang, 33, a hard working Chinese immigrant, now indicted on charges of aggravated murder and held on a ten million dollar bond. He is facing the death penalty or life in prison. |
![]() | Qihong Chen, 33, Jiangs girlfriend now a murder victim. She lost her life in the worst of ways. |
" Two lives lost " , these are not the words I would usually use to describe a gruesome murder, but when you know the people involved it's not so easy to choose any other words. What I know about their story does not make it any easier, or understandable.
Since this case is still going through the court system, what I tell you next is just hearsay:
Ever since Jian came from China he worked hard to save money and improve his life, he was working at a Chinese restaurant in Cleveland's Chinatown. Jian saved about $200,000 before meeting Qih. When they met he fell in love and wanted to marry her. For two years he did not spare anything to make her happy, she got whatever she asked for. His spending was way over his income and his life savings dwindled down to nothing. When he no longer could afford to shower her with gifts she rejected him. She met another man and was planning a move to another state. What happened next is what you read in the newspapers articles. Is it a crime of passion? the courts will decide.
The story reads like fiction, Jian walking into a police station with blood all over him and confessing to the most gruesome murder of his girlfriend. Jian plead not guilty in court to the charge of aggravated murder. In his court appearance he seemed spaced out as if he was no longer in this world. It's so sad to see young lives wasted in this fashion.
Greed destroys
Obviously it is a very bad news ... But no doubt the rumors make that she is seen as "the bad one", like that she deserved the death ... Assuming that she just had taken advantage of him, and his money, He allowed it.
It is not a valid or reasonable "excuse" ... MURDER is still a crime, I THINK NOBODY HAS THE RIGHT TO KILL NOBODY (unless life itself is in extreme danger). AND NOT "DEFENDING" VICTIM because she WAS A WOMAN LIKE ME ... I would have said exactly the same, if the victim had been the man...
I also understand the shock that represents a news like this, and even more when it is a person close or known ... a couple of years ago, a friend of mine, also killed his ex girlfriend because she was going to marry another person ... Now he is in prison ... IS VERY SAD, but each one must assume the consequences and responsibilities of their actions.
Greetings from Venezuela!
indeed I agree with you hada...there are consequences to such actions and when murder is a choice, as it always is, one should understand what could happen. It always ends in a bitter way and is just not worth it.
I think Jian was right all through till the point he had to murder her.
I couldn't just help but imagine what he would be going through right now.
Blazing hell!
He must have thought of her as redemption... He must have thought of a limited eternity with her. But he must have been blinded by love, if not he could have seen the red light a while ago.
He must have felt, killing her would justify his pain ND the fact that he was cheated by her (not love)
But moving on and learning from his mistakes could have been a great way.
To make matters worse, they both are people you know. I can't relate to the pain.
Wasted lives indeed
These are type of things you never think happen to you or your circle of people...until they do.
thanks for the information. what your news is useful for us all ..
Sad story. Sorry you lost two acquaintances in such a terrible way.
sad story man :((
How terrible ! Were you good friends of thiers !? Or just casual acquaintances !? He seems to be smiling in the video when he walks in , doesn't seem spaced out to me . This is very sad day indeed ! I truly feel for her family ...💕💕💕😢😢😢
Oh my gosh Joseph! That must be awful for you; I'm so sorry . . It is indeed surreal when things like murder touch your life, as you say, these are things that usually happen on the news to other people.
Unfortunately I too knew a murder victim; a beautiful girl I went to school with, went to India and met some lowlife who ended up stalking and finally murdering her at the tender age of 17.
My wife's brother was also murdered (before I knew her) when he was at Leeds university, he was just 20.
It breaks my heart when I think about the families of murder victims, the pain they feel and the trauma they go through.
I hope that some peace will come to you Joseph; once more, I am so sorry for your loss.
I always visit your blog because you inspires me. Do what you do. Thank you very much for sharing inspiring content.

You obviously didn't read what he wrote. smh
I stopped watching tv since 1998. Television is just like watching a washing machine filled with dirty washing. Television just fills peoples heads with dirt!
I often feel ignorant but I stopped following the news myself, it's hard to discern what is real and to what degree it is true. So much rubbish and negativity.
The world of television just opens up to many rabbit holes for so many people.
I too stopped watching tv.
I think tv will eventually turn people to madness!
Its just full of clickbait, opinion articles and buzz words all in order to get reactions, which in turn lead to traffic --> money from advertisements. It's honestly a disgrace and I feel as though the majority of this trash started up when 24hr news channels were created. I mean the had to fill up the time with something.
Indeed they just play with emotions, like a lead guitarist does hitting the riff hooks in his notes on his electric guitar, to play with the fans emotions who are there watching a band play.
hmm, shity messy. Good paid with good ,evil paid with evil.
this is so tragic. so many humans, but no humanity.
I agree. There is no more human values in this world.
I am sad to read it.
I really sympathize with you, I'm very sorry for the young man, why he met her on his way.
This world of ours is messed up.
Good work brother..
Are you stupid? He just listened to the news that his friend get killed!!! FUCK! That's so freaking gruesome. I'm so sick of this world.
Some people just don't read and make comments on post...
Urgh and he appeared to be top of the list. Damn what a freaking pain to the eye with such comments. Sorry I do get emotional when such things happen even to someone else.
The lazy and stupid Steemian. Just looking for attention without knowing the contents of the post.
how sad this news. condolence to the family.
amazing it is really rare in our life when i find a close friend and sped the time with us it is really wonderful #joseph
follow me steemians.........
Horrible and heartbreaking.
Violence Everywhere :(
I don't know which is the right decision to make. Kill her or Spare her.
But still, After reading the full post, I think even I might have done something similar. :p
I hate these type of girls. Hate them with my whole heart.
There is no justification to taking a life no matter what it is. Nobody really knows what was happening between them. It's all hearsay.
crime is not just happening because there are intentions of the culprit, but also have a chance. beware.
What justification for giving life? Balance yin/yang...No thing as good or bad, only action & consequences.
Life is "subjective" ! Really...No such thing as can only transfer, this is all an illusion:) You're the creator!!!
It'll probably be wrong for me to judge people without the actual proof.
But it's like while you have value, you will be cared for.
Lose your value and bad things will befall.
I avoided using the "word" kill because I am not the one to decide who lives or dies. By something similar, I meant I will not let her live like she wants.
Spare her @rayne122
Lol. I can't do anything to her. She is already dead.
He could have been so angry and lost which drive him to kill the woman in that way. I would like to think that Jian is also a victim.
I'm so sorry you had to witness this situation unfold.
I realize you still must be in shock over this happening. My heart goes out to you. This is very tragic.
@joseph Thats a sad story my friend but awakening to all of us we need God to satisfy us. Prayer3x
So sad. Too many "wants" cause too many problems for everyone.
the problem is that capitalism rewards greed, events like this are common around the world
Que tristeza escuchar cada vez mas historias como esta, parece que el mundo esta lleno de maldad, rencor, venganza, no hay valores, sentimientos, los niños no están creciendo en una sociedad respetuosa con valores, principios, sino mas bien todo lo contrarios, por ello suceden estas cosas. yo creo que deberíamos poner un poco de conciencia de nuestra parte y promover cambios, empezando por recalcar los valores que se han perdido y decir no a la violencia en las sociedades.
How do people even cope seeing blood? Good God, i hate anything Red.
i don't really know what to say now...This is what we face everyday, you get to work so hard for some woman, you go through pains just to make them happy. But the very moment you can't provide those things at a moment they walk away, but that's not enough to commit murder...pity for him
No heart.
This is really tragic!!
great destroys
Talk about close to home..right in my neck of the woods Cleveland!
Tragic incident. Humanity is dying
hopefully given the fortitude.......
it is very pathetic, mostly when our closed friends are involved, it really need courage to survive the tremor.
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there are many subjects in earth ,man can not judge
Oh world,i know i can't match your feelings but you made me feel very sad.
there are humans but not humanity at all...
Terrible news @joseph so sorry for such a news... Can't judge either of them but sometimes...jelousy and rage can cause a nice sane person to loose his mind... What a loss... And a lesson... Never spend all you have in whomever you not sure of...the world is truly an unfair place...
It's awful to read this about people with whom you are familiar. And it's awful to understand that 2 young lives are rampant ... Both are sorry. It would be better if they parted and lived on.
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Money is still the root of all evil.
The entire story is crazy. He did everything for her and then she left him for someone else. I can see the frustration in all that. But to kill the person, well, that never gets you anywhere. People are not always what you think.
Sad to see how we as humans don't even know how to deal with our own life.
Very very sad
yeah its so sad to see a lives wasted :(
So sad for you. I am sure you are very shaken.
wrong, regardless of whether she may-- or may not-- have been a "double-crossing princess" or not at all.Wow @joseph, hard to know what to say... kinda makes you stop and think. Mostly makes me feel sad, for a number of reasons, and I find myself wondering (for the nth time) about what any one of our "breaking points" are. Whatever it is, taking someone's life for whatever "transgressions" we may feel have happened is just
And sorry you find yourself sitting with this... people you knew personally... that can't be easy.
Very tragic. Sorry Joseph.
hearing this kind of tragedy make me really sad :(
I wonder
just how low can humanity sink?