Russian Couple Practice Cannibalism

in #life7 years ago (edited)

A Russian Couple, Dmitry Baksheev and Natalia Baksheeva have been arrested for Cannibalism in a small town in Russia. They would have most likely have gone on happily on their new found practice and hobby, but fortunately for everyone, they were caught due to the negligence of the male partner.

 As the story goes, somehow Dmitry Baksheev dropped his phone, and the person who found it went through it to perhaps find some information on the owner to possibly return it... 

Image Credit: The Tribune

What he came across was shocking. Pictures of the couple with dismembered body parts scattered in the background and pics of body parts in their mouth. He then turned the phone into the police where they started their investigation and finally arrested the couple. 

Investigation is still pending and charges have been filed for a few counts of cannibalism as well as a few counts of murder. It is estimated that they have eaten around thirty people in the past few years, and to make matters more unsettling to the stomach, the married couple worked for a food or butcher company

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This is truly disturbing. We only see people from the outside and judge them as 'normal' not knowing what sick and dark lives they lead. Terrible for the victims and their families.

Very dangerous time to be alive is in our present time. Like what said in the Bible

2 Timothy 3:1-5New International Version (NIV)

1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

thanks for the enlightenment @hiroyamagishi

Totally agree with you! Best wishes, - @splendorhub

I saw it last week on RT and I was shocked, this story could be the next hit in Hollywood.

Here's the footage:

this made my stomach fucking turn

This is really messed up. But I have a friend that believes we should NOT help the poor. I mean by giving food stamps and such help. But this is a side effect of 'not helping' 90% of the time. 10% of the time people are just crazy.

They made selfies with body parts in their mouth.. I'm afraid they're not part of that 90% you're talking about ;) (if those are realistic statistics anyway)

I agree with ure friend.. irrespective of what.. we should not give a man a fish... we need to teach him how to fish instead... so he can feed himself in the long term...

yes, enabling is not the same thing as helping.

true that!

I am very sure down the road they will indeed make a movie out of this.

And it'd be a good plot too when they reveal the twist. Regardless, fucked up news.

yeah... mind fucking news..!!!!

Enjoy it.
Thanks. :)

damn.. thats scary... inhuman..!!!

Oh man, if they worked for a butcher company, it makes you wonder if they ever snuck some human meat into the shop and sold it..

Interesting of all, is that it took a lost phone to catch them, not any investigation about the at least 30 people they murdered. :P

Unfortunately, when you're that kind of poor, nobody is going to come looking for you. In countries where corruption is prevalent, that's only more true.

very correctly said...!!!

That thing its scary when you think about it.. @Alien,they were working at a butcher,and they eat human flesh

more like quirky!

yeah really messed up..

well thats the sad reality...!!! preferences of people now a days can be understood by this..!!!

think about the many more victims that are saved from being eaten ...

People going crazy !!!

what are they adding to the wate?!?

thanks for sharing :D

Boy I really pity that dude who picked the phone and found the pictures. I'd be forever traumatized.

Forever traumatized

Very true!

No shortage of food for them.
so beware !

Is it because we live in the most dangerous time in history?

Court should be punished them.

humans without "humane"!. Even our long gone ancestors didn't crave for all this insanity

they are mentally messed up thats for sure this is insane to say the least

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.”

Albert Einstein

hahaha.. well i like your sarcasm for sure.. :)

Just wondering how they escaped the law for years.
There was a case in India where the man used his servant to murder and eat children. The police never took action when there of complaints of missing kids. He paid them hefty bribes over the years, but later things got out of control, and a crowd attacked the house.
The Indian law sentenced him and the servant to death.
You may Google 'Nithari case.'

oh. thanks for the information. I will google it later.

Yeah, anytime! Isn't worth your time, I guess, Googling cannibals. :)

haha.. ure mean :P just kidding

"It is estimated that they have eaten around thirty people in the past few years"
this is crazy! where the police at that time??

oohh my GOD... this is terrible

thanks for sharing

This is weird,just like those horror fims i watch.

They are worse than ZOMBI. Zombi unconscious, and can't change themselves.

very interesting article.

I have never been so happy to see two people arrested... Upvoted for sheer joy, that they will not be able to hurt anyone again.

Dead Snow 2

follow me @ahmadtahir

Man this is crazy. Just Imagine if they put human parts in with their meat from the butchery. I'm glad people like this have been stopped. But do you think the butcher company's reputation will be put on the line due to this event?

Thankyou for sharing

shocking, there is no limit to human stupidity and madness

What... why? Just... why? @ironshield

and well they are a bit strange. but without generalizing

That's insane, how do people not notice 30 people disappearing!!!

They should be sent to jail. They don't deserve to live human.

this shouldn't be jail sentence, these people should be sent to an insane asylum, this is no normal human behaviour, these people are insane!

WOW WOW WOW!! That is nuts. I am going to resteem this. Thanks for the post.

I say one million years in prison, on a strict diet of bread and water, with photographs of people. That disgusting post, sir, earned you another follower. lol

This is insane. I can't imagine finding myself around people who would want to snack on me. Bizarre!! 😛

what the fuk is so wrong with them ? ...

Best of luck @joseph

That is never something you want to hear about someone that handles food that is sold to the will always be in the back of the minds of all of their customers least it would be the case for me if I found out my butcher was into cannibalism. This is why its good to learn how to properly butcher your own meat.

Whats happening to the people now!!

Bonnie and Clyde - Zombie Version

Even weirder when you know that there are websites people like this go to searching for people to eat or that want to eat them,

Omg this is nasty! But that is why you keep a passcode on your phone.

Unfortunately there are more people who do cannibalism in this so called planet Earth,
its just that they are not caught,these sick crazy people!

Cannibalism in 2017... That's really deep... but not surprised.

People now becoming worst than before.

Nice work i upvote

OMG this is crazy bro !

This is really disgusting... humans eating humans... are there no food left for them that they turned to eating humans? They should be locked up indefinitely!

Gross and the irony is the couple knows how to butcher a person! Insane!

A recent case of cannibalism happened in South Africa too, this time a whole village was given human flesh to eat knowing it was human flesh by a shaman.

This could be the next big Hollywood horror flick I think...

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