Lies We Were Told To Be True.

in #life8 years ago

A lot of us are unaware of the lies people have told us over the years, and after only being on this planet for 20 years, I have been exposed to a lot of truth.

What I'm going to do, is break it down to different industries that think they know it all. There is so much misinformation out there it's not even funny.

I want to share you guys research that I have done over the years, and the things I have discovered about. Get ready because this is going to blow you away.

#1 The Healthcare Industry


These guys are the biggest crooks out there. I can't stand the healthcare industry because they are the biggest reason why the majority of the human population are so unhealthy.

We go to the doctor because we have something wrong, and then after the doctor diagnoses the problem, they just prescribe us with pharmaceuticals.

The problem with pharmaceuticals is that they just relieve the symptoms. They don't heal anyone, and people just keep taking pills like they're candy. Pharmaceuticals are not candy folks, and they can lead to even more problems.


Have you seen a pharmaceutical advertisement? On the bottom of the advertisement, they show these severe side effects that can happen once you take the drugs, or they tell you not to take a certain medication if you already have issues that are stated in the advertisement.

Are you kidding me? Is this what the world has come to? "Take this drug, and everything will be OK".

This is true brainwashing, and it's a scam. They don't care about your health, they just make these pills for profit. They make money from your health issues.


We have to start taking action for our health. We have to stop falling for these pharmaceutical drugs, and not get our money wasted by the crooks in the health care industry.

It all starts from our diet, and once we start changing to a high fruit diet (Primate diet), we can stop the health care industry and not have to see the doctor ever again.

#2 The Education System


We go to school, we learn pointless stuff, and we graduate from pointless stuff. All the 12 years of school are just a waste of time.

I mean we do have to learn how to spell, speak, and read, but all of these subjects like geometry, statistics, algebra, history. All these subjects don't have any relevance for most of us.

Some of the teachers have to take these classes if they want to be professors for those subjects, but even those professors that teach these subject, most of the professors hate their job anyway.

Why do we have to learn these things anyways? When I was in college, I wasn't happy there, I was lost in life, and I was wasting time taking pointless classes.


Do you know how much in debt the education is in right now? It's in the trillions right now, trillions!

It's a big money waster, and after they graduate, they have to go look for a job so that they can pay for their debt. I mean it's just ridiculous that we have to waste time in class, and realize that there is a debt we have to pay for.

I mentioned jobs, most people can't find a job they are majored in. There is a guy from Boston, who has a master degree in chemistry, guess what, he can't find a job, and he is currently homeless on the streets right now.

I mean it just so ridiculous that people put so much value on a degree, which is just a piece of paper, which leads me to the biggest lie, and the biggest myth that we need to function on this planet.

#3 Money


Money is nothing more then a man made concept. We view money as if it's life or death.

People use money to buy stuff they don't need, and most of the stuff people buy are just a waste. Money has turned people into consuming freaks.

Money is one of the biggest reasons why people are at war right now. Money is the reason why there is so much crime out there.

What do we need money for? What's the significance of it anyway? Do we really need money?

Money is just a piece of paper. It has no value but because of today's "System", we give it value. There is no significance behind money whatsoever. It's just a piece of paper sitting there in your pocket, or wallet.

Most importantly, we don't need money! We have lived millions of years without money, and we can do it again.


"But we need money to live." Nature gives us all the food abundance we need to live. So we really don't need money to live on this planet.

We have to stop relying on this money thing, and realize that nature provides us with enough for everybody to live and function in the world.

Thank you for reading and I hope this really help get some truth into you because a lot of people needs to hear the truth either they want to or not.

P.S If there is anything you want me to expose in a blog post, put them down in the comments. I know I only did three, but those were my top 3, and know there are plenty of other lies out there.


Great list of lies we are told. Thanks @joshuaharris23

This is indeed so true. Upvoted and resteemed.

Thank you for reading!! :)

the truth is, all our life, we have been lied to about everything from everyone ... our parents introduce santa, politicians, well ... our school text books and so forth and so on. Nothing but lies. The truth will set you free! :) @MrsRay