Greetings from Seoul!

Today we are going to talk about personal development.
Personal development is very important because as stated by Jim Rohn, "If you change, your life will change."
Do you want your life to change for the better? Do you want to be at a place where you have abundance instead of lack?
You need to develop yourself !
We will go into the principles and laws of growth in the following weeks but let me start with this:
I love the apple pie from McDonald's, sadly here in Korea they stopped selling them due to lack of supply.
What you love you need to do these three things-think of your favorite pie.
P- Protect: You need to protect what is important to you. In order to protect -you need to set boundaries. Boundaries give definition and let us and others know what is important. We need to set boundaries with our time, space and energy. Saying yes to too many good things can take away from what is best. Learning to say no is very important.
I- Invest: Good things take time to grow and they need nurture at the beginning. It is not easy to start from beginning/zero and gain enough momentum to succeed. You need to focus and invest into your life and invest into what is important for it to grow.
E- Enjoy: If you protect and invest into your personal life than you will be able to enjoy your life. It will bring results that will bring happiness and blessings. It also means, if you do the things you enjoy, you will have a higher chance for enjoyment.
So, let me know what your favorite pie is-what you will protect, invest and enjoy.
Steem On.
Nice posy
Thanks. Have a good day.
Awesome post, thanks for the really needed info, I think all fo us have to work on ourselfs, thanks for sharing #keepsteemin :)
Thanks warrkin,
I hope to provide more value. have a good day.