
aww he's so cute! ^_^

He is :) steem on

Omg!!! He really has the cuteness factor lol. And his name Jack, really suits him 👌

All the best with the move @joyandhappiness

Thank you very much @jaynie :)

Only a pleasure @joyandhappiness :)

Oh my days @joyandhappiness how cute is your dog.bless him he defo staying by the boxes he doesn't want to be left your move is quick and swift.Can be a very hectic time.Aslong as your organised you be fine.❤👍🏼

Thank you very much @pamcooks! The move was alright :) and Jack is happy too 😉🐕

He’s looking like I know something is going on haha. Good luck with your move.
Steem on :)

Thanks :) yeah he definately knew and didn't want to miss it. So cute. Steem on :)

Leave no dog behind. :-)

Never :)

That is one cool dog!!!

He is 😍