They Fucked Bernie Up..

in #life9 years ago

I'm a very strong man. I have to say though, I cried hard watching as the Democrats sided with one of the worst politicians in history over a man who has fought for all of us his whole life without ever giving into the status quo of accepting money from lobbyists and special interest groups. Bernie was our hero in a time when we needed one most. Yet, America and the majority of Democrats pretty much told him to go fuck his self.. The other night we witnessed why America is in such a bad way at the moment. Ignorance is all around us and corruption is stronger than it has ever been! The biggest irony is this. All of America knew that Trump would be the corrupt politician and use his wealth to win him the nomination, yet, it was actually Hillary who had to use her fortune, political insiders(including the FBI), and cheat her fucking ass off in order to beat a man who solely had the support and funding of us, "regular Americans". A man who isn't from wealth but only from love of our nation. We watched as arguably the greatest Democrat in our lifetime was pushed to the wayside. We watched the death of the so-called "Democratic Party"! RIP...

One more thing.. All of this shit about "At least we have a more progressive platform!"... Blah blah blah! What good is a completely progressive platform when the leader of that platform is a lying, cheating, two faced politician who only cares about one thing and one thing only, becoming the first female President! The DNC was against Bernie from day one and all of those lost and uncounted ballots by the millions were never worried about. It just kills me that people will support this woman after being proven to have cheated! I will never ever vote for Hillary. I have always said that there isn't one damn thing I wouldn't do for Bernie.. Well, there is one thing now, and that is vote for Hillary. I just couldn't look at myself in the mirror anymore if I knowingly cast a vote for that monster.. That is all. I will now try and maintain some kind of hope for our future even though the corruption and ignorance is greater than it has ever been.

#steem #steemit #news #money


What is the reason for adding #steem and #steemit? This has NOTHING to do with either. STOP tag spamming or you will be downvoted in the future.

oh come on @berniesanders. I've seen way worse hash tag abuse than this.

It is our Country's future.. That effects everything. Sorry..

I totally understand the passion, but please, do your part to keep the site clean.

Thank you @berniesanders ! Please help me out and get it seen. I just posted it titled "I got in trouble by the steemit police" haha

That's a great video! Just fun to watch.

Now THAT is fucking dope dude. I grew up surrounded by lakes and all my friends were wakeboarders although I never was. That's the stuff we need more of around here!

Yes Sir..

I have been tepidly supporting Clinton since the beginning of the primaries. Third Obama term is what I want.

can't agree with you more...

Fuck bernie, the communist, fuck killary, the banister scumbag, fuck trump, the oligarch, fuck gary johnson, the progressive media prostitute. No one for president!

I have an email list of 50k subscribers and the vast majority are Sanders supporters. Would you be interested in writing a Steemit post that encourages Sanders supporters to join this platform to use it to continue the revolution?

FYI just up voted this.

I'm down

Awesome! Do you want to draft the article in gdocs so I can review it and give you feedback you put it on Steemit?

Yeah what's your gmail

I'd rather not post it here publicly. Want to send me a pm on steem chat! My username there is the same as here.

I am not on there currently, my gmail is [email protected]

I just emailed you. For some reason it wouldn't let me reply to your last reply in this thread :-(