That's right, it's a game about nothing!
While browsing through the local Goodwill, I came across this little gem. For those of you not familiar, Goodwill is a not for profit chain of retail stores that sell used items that have been donated.
Usually the kinds of things you find there are what you might expect in a store like this, but sometimes you stumble upon hidden gems like this:
(check out that price by the way... yowzah!) :)
But was it in good shape?
I had bought another game at Goodwill in the past but when I got home to open it most of the pieces were missing. In fact, so many pieces were missing that the game wasn't even usable. It made for a bummed out @jrcornel to say the least!
This one would be an entirely different story though.
It looked like it maybe had been played with one time and then forgotten about. Every piece appears to be there and it looks like it has hardly even been touched.
Me being the Seinfeld aficionado that I am, had to have it!
So, to answer the question above about being in good shape;
"You betcha!"
(Try to picture that being said in Kramer's voice)
The only downside...
There is one downside though.
Unfortunately no one else in my family knows the show like I do so they refuse to play me... I am gonna need to find the complete seasons of Seinfeld next so that they can beef up their knowledge and eventually play me!
"It's a festivus for the rest of us!"
Live well my friends!
Follow me: @jrcornel
I love Seinfeld too I´ve seen many many times all the episodes and I never get bored, it really is one of the best series of all time and you are so lucky to have the game and i hope somebody will play with you :)
It is one of the best TV series of all time. However, apparently it was turned into a game as well, which I just found out a couple days ago :)
Same here. I watch them over and over again whenever I catch one on TV! My brother, dad, and I also quote lines from the show all the time! I think I will have to wait till I see them again to really get someone to play with! :)
sounds like fun
it's good you got it on a good condition - too bad no one wants to play with you in your family, have you tried asking your friends?@jrcornel a trivia game?
Not just any trivia game... this game is based off of the greatest show of all time... at least in my opinion! :) And yes it may have to wait for a time with friends before the game gets played.
I hope you find someone to play it with@jrcornel I have to confess I don't know it either
So you went to Goodwill and yada, yada, yada, got a Seinfeld game! Congratulations!!
Haha exactly!
I'd love to have a go at that game. In our family we quote Seinfeld lines constantly!
Same here! What part of the country are you in? I need someone to play against... :)
I left Canada in 1995 and I now live in Switzerland. My nephew used to tape episodes for me and send them over. That is until he got caught in a mail fraud scandal over a smashed stereo. They ended up writing off the cost! :) I'm not even sure what that means but they did and they're the ones that wrote it off!
Haha nice! I wonder if I borrowed a mail truck, loaded it with all my old empty soda cans, and drove it across state lines I could get better prices for them?! ;)
You can read what I wrote about your post here.
That's awesome! Thank you for the inclusion and for the kind words! :)
My pleasure. I watched Seinfeld a lot but would likely need a refresher to be able to play. I don't retain programs a lot.
I am the exact opposite.. I can quote movie lines that I saw one time many years ago... but I forget things more recent that I should remember... go figure...
they say the first thing to go is the memory.. can't remember the second :)
Touche! :)
I didn't even know such a game existed. That's a good score.
Thank you, that's what I thought! :)
I will also refuse to play... I only know the name of the show ;)
Haha well fine be that... ;)
Goodwill is awesome! That is a show that I never got into though. I was a Family Matters, Step by Step, Full House, Boy Meets World kind of guy
Same here. This one is a different kind of show, I would say it is more similar to a show like Friends as opposed to those. But it's not really all that much like Friend's either... the writing on Seinfeld is top notch. Everything is tied together so beautifully! I recommend giving it a watch again some time if you get the chance.
Great find, just make sure to include the Feat's of Strength...
Haha oh yes, the final tradition of Festivus! :)
insert cool bass guitar riff here as I close tab after upvoting
Sounds like the perfect close!
A game about nothing. It sounds perfect. I wanna play!
It is :) Ever seen the show?
It's Moops, not Moors!
It's the summer of George!
Love Seinfeld! Looks like a fun game
Same here... I have been searching for this game my whole life, I just didn't realize it! :)
I want I waaant!
I have I have!