"It is not the free market that causes crises and mass unemployment, but government interference in the economy."
Yesterday a scene moved me a lot. A woman, like many Brazilians in this chaotic moment that Brazil is going through, looking 30 years old, was in a queue of the employment center here in downtown Recife crying, desperate because she had been 8 months she was unemployed. But not only that. Her desperation was that besides being she was out of money and out of work, she had been completing 3 months without rent money from her apartment and the owner of the apartment had already entered with an "Eviction Order" that is when the owner of the apartment intimate the tenant that he should leave the property.

What plagued this woman was that she was a single mother with 2 small children at home and her money at that time was just the money from the bus ticket to go home and 20 cents that she would use to take xerox out of her curriculum and be able to go to supposed job interviews.

The moving story of this woman is one of the 12 million of stories (equal to the number of unemployed in Brazil today in this recent economic crisis) of people who have been fired because the companies they worked was closed, failed and neither do the contractual terminations many sometimes these companies paid those employees they laid off.
Brazil has more than 3 years going through a very difficult economic period and is not a crisis due to a lack of resources, such as natural or financial resources, because Brazil is a very rich country, both in terms of natural and financial resources. The problem is the people who have these resources in their hands, who are the politicians who make this giant state that is the Brazilian state.

We have here the largest number of civil servants that I believe is the largest number on the planet, we have a Judiciary that according to news reports is the most expensive and inefficient in the world. The problem of Brazil is the gigantic and predatory character of the Brazilian state and who always ends up paying for it are the individuals, are the poorest, are these people like this woman I quoted at the beginning of this post.

Economic analysts predict that the economic crisis in Brazil may begin to decline and growth will once again be great as it was 6 years ago from 2018, but I do believe that these "optimistic" forecasts will not help if the power can continue concentrated in the hands of politicians and of this oppressive state that we have in this country.
Brazil Needs to Know the Free Market

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Unfortunately, that's a said true of many families in Brazil!! Nice post @jsantana!!
Ótima postagem!