basically, im tired

in #life5 months ago

maybe im just saying this because im also sick? my hard cough goes away and the next it comes back after,

maybe I haven't been resting enough, maybe I've been stressing myself again,

I hate how emotionally weak I am and I hate how I let my life be like this, sometimes i wonder if there's a comeback to any of it, a non suffocating comeback with what life used to be like before

I'm just tired, i wanna work but i already drank my med and it's making me drowsy and here i am fighting the sleepiness and again that adds stress to my mind and body so just dumping the usual anxiety that i always have...

but still i try to stay positive, being thankful for the day that i still have friends with me to help me through, but the feeling of not returning the favor yet is making me sad, i just wish that good news by the end of October will come fast so i can make it up to the friends who helped me through with the pain I'm going through




that's what happens when one commit on soooooooooooooooooo many stuff.


multitasking is a lie.


Waaah.. 😆22 days saka ko inopen to na account wahahaha ngayon ko lang nabasa

😆 wahahahaha

Fighting Jude! 🥺

Wahaha sorry late reply, yessu!!! Fighting