Today was an awful adventure, I got an IV and they did more tests and an MRI, because I had signs of internal bleeding. So the ER called me into a trauma center, and I don't have internal bleeding! Apparently there's a good chance I tore a ligament in my rotator cuff. So now i have to go to an orthopaedic institute, and get more testing done! On top of hating hosptials, and being terrified of needles, they gave me morphine. Even though I said it made me sick and feel awful, they just loaded me up with that and then meds that help nausea. All in all I had a horrible day and missed another day at work 😣😷😵
My mom did take a funny video of me on morphine that ill have to share with y'all later. My last post was about how all this happened, leading to horses! I will say it again, no matter how much I HATE hospitals and the bills that go with them, I will never give up horses ❤
keep on! and don't get used to that morphine !! haha
Haha i dont plan on it! I hate that stuff! I hardly remember that day now 😥
haha maybe thats better than remember it ! you have been followed ;)
I hope your situation improves soon and everthing will be back on track. However, I upvotedd and followed.
Thank you, me too 👍
You may hate hospitals, but you look totally chill in that picture lol
I was on drugs lol but thanks 😂
There's a really short list of people I'll allow to see me under the influence of anesthesia because everyone has a camera on their phone, instant social media, and poor judgement.
All the best to you. Hospital are never fun but looks like you're taking it the right way. Total chill pic!
I was very chilled in this pic 😂 thank you
Get well soon!
Thank you!