It's beach time! We spent a good time in our favorite beach, Kr. Raya beach. This beach has two shore lines. The first one bordered by the coral. So the rest shore we can freely swim without waves. There are many sea species which we can see while swimming. The best thing is, this beach is located a little far from Banda Aceh so there are few people prefer to come.

We are beach lovers. Swimming in the beach with coral with my Dad and my steemit sista @thaharahnisa, @icha.zabachaer, @putrimuzdhalifah and @masyitah.

Emier enjoyed swimming with grandpa.

Good time with family.

Mom got a wild fruit from the bushes around the beach. She said she used to eat this while she was child. I forgot the name, but it tasted sweet.

Rushan thought he was in private beach. It's sunset already, but he didn't want to get off the beach.

Enjoying selfie time after swimming. Time to go home.

Thank you for joining us! :)
Always post my own photos and works. Thank you for stopping by.
I do appreciate your UPVOTE and RESTEEM as you like.

I do appreciate your UPVOTE and RESTEEM as you like.

breathe in your soul you beach on my sea
This heart's inward is a holy love
My intention to your death
Loving just you
Thirst of my soul I love
My soul mate me you
To die I want to be with you
This is my point
My soulmate wants you
One love to death separates
You and I are one
Love each other
After my sad sadness
Life is now yours
Nice poem @stievricard
Thank you
In the area I live the fruit is called the "boh klayu".
Mantaaapp...Family time.
Looks like such a fun family day!
Absolutely. Thanks @melinda010100 :)
Belum pernah ke sini. Bening ya airnya...n the best thing is tempatnya sepi
Iya. Datang kemari kalau ke Banda Aceh. Walau pantainya di Aceh Besar. 😁
Iya, ga jauh2 amat kalo masih di aceh besar. Asal
Pantainya bagus, airnya juga bersih, jika pantai dijaga sama selalu alami
Lagak that pantai nyan
Follback sige
Jernih banget pantainya..mantap salam dari bogor
Pemandangan yang indah dan mantap.
Dengan air yang sangat jernih.semoga kita bisa bersyukur atas nikmat yang talah Allah titipkan kepada kita semua. Amin.
Salam dari kenal dari abu
Pasir putih????
Amazing, it's like a peace from heaven, I must visit Malaysia one day.