Morning thoughts..

in #life6 years ago

This morning during my quick morning coffee and work preparations, read this - preparing for execution- I was observing watercolor I was working on last evening..

And that creepy moment got into me again..Not sure do you guys doing some art have same problem..
When you start doing something new, full with ideas, bursting with energy, several pieces you made are good, thinking this is it..and than just at one moments you stop...
And than that emotion sneaks into your soul..this is not so good..
...what is this?
...what am I doing with this?
...this is so usual..
...something is missing...
..this should be done in some other way..

And that dark cloud is starting to hang over your head..And instead rain it pours questions and doubt about your work..

I thought over years I will get over this things, but there is that moment I stumble each time I go into some process of work..
That feeling of questioning quality of your work..And no matter what other say, no matter how much encouragement you get, you are your worst enemy, you and your mind.

Do others have those moments, do those artist you admire so much have same issues, do they go down with energy this low and thinking if they should quit everything..

It's like riding the wave, all the time trying to stay on it but sometimes you just finish into water covered with some other wave..

I know this feeling will pass, only moment being in it is always so heavy to handle..



nisam uspeo da nadjem grafik na koji sam mislio, ali ovo je vrlo slicno. mislim da je primenljivo na sve vrste umetnosti :)

Hahaha, da da to je taj rad, primenjiv definitivno na sve kreativno :)

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Aww many pieces in the making were torn apart and then regretted battling that "miasma"

I probably had these feelings more so when I was younger, but usually about writing. I often loved to write stories or short fiction and sometimes would find, after labouring over a piece for weeks, that I'd love it. Then come back to it later and think, "This is wretched!" and want to burn it, in fact sometimes I did burn my writing. Oh the drama of the creative, correct?

For me, though, with art it is often different. Of course I have hated things I've made but I sort of came to a zen place awhile back that said to me, when I come upon that feeling with a piece I've made, I've just got to put it away and immideately do another thing. Sometimes, it has spurred me onto just start a new piece and get engrossed enough to finish a larger piece in one day. So, I try to take the negative and turn it into a positive energy, almost a way to say to that feeling, "Nice try! I'm not letting you win, I'll be happy with something by the end of this day" and overall it worked. In a way it was like forming a new habit.

Now that I art everyday, part of that is to have a 'finished' piece each day, this often means just a sketch or maybe with a splash of watercolour, real or digital. But, I call it done. It might become (and often does) a study for a larger more involved piece, but I still give it that label of 'finished' to myself. It has a power to it. It makes you feel like if you do dislike something you can simply move on and then that negative feeling doesn't get a chance to take hold.

Good luck combatting it. We all deal with things differently but I think even chatting about it on here is helpful. I love your work, as do many others, so if you feel down just think, "I'll do it for the others who do appreciate my effort, even if I feel I am not". :)

Sorry! Phone clicked wrong post! :)