Small number of people who think their heads are enemies and don't have so many ''numbers'' ...
But, reading and getting involved in politics topic I believe it's becoming world trend ..Brainwashing, making people work that much that thay don't have time to think, only think of pure existence..
Feelings, they also try to manipulate with them, manipulate with fear, the strong emotion and by keeping it warm all the time ruling is safe..
Some people who raise voice if they are ''important'' are being spined immediately in public, and those not important, well who cares..
So, I believe more and more we live in Fahrenheit 451, and it's just moment of time when we will escape to the preserve emotions..@arthuradamson you pulled so many subjects in this post and all the time I was reading it I was making sort of conversation with you in my head :) Coming from Eastern Europe, Balkans to be more precise, so many things you mentioned here are so familiar to me. You see, during 1998 I lived under bombs that were falling over our capital for three months.. All the time after it stopped I was wondering why some things were destroyed, some specific buildings in some specific areas..well because of the land and position. Our politicians made good deals with foreign investors, sold them that land, took their share, devastated the land and sold as a cheep labour. Also, TV and news helped a lot in that brain washing mashine, because if they say so on TV it is true, right?
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Yet I have hope for the future. Things are changing for the better. But change is slow in these disconcerting times. Hold on, stay strong and please continue to bring truth and joy into this injured world with your amazing and beautiful work.
I do not quite understand how or why such creative work as yours brings good and positive energy into the world, all I know is that it does. New scientific research on quantum physics is pointing to the fact that we are all some connected on a sub-molecular level. A quantum level. This means that when something dramatic happens that can change history then we somehow all know it - feel it. It is known as the "10th Monkey" phenomenon.
Basically: 100 monkeys are kept in a cage.
10 monkeys are then taken out and put into a separate cage.
One of the 10 monkeys are then taught how to open a bottle of cocoa cola and then put the lid back on. It usually takes about 3 weeks to train this "skill". This monkey is then put back into the cage of the other 9 monkeys. This monkey then "teaches" them how to open the cola bottle and put the lid back on. When the last monkey "the 10th Monkey" can do this then something very strange happens. All the other 90 monkeys suddenly know how to open the cola bottle and put the lid back on. Even though that have never been shown what to do. This means that the monkeys are somehow communicating in a way we do not yet understand. Not surprisingly it seems the same thing happens with us. Therefore, we we do, even if is seems small, it is having an affect on all of us. This means when you create a painting it is having an affect on the all of is some way that we do not yet understand. However, I suggest that if the painting is made from the heart and it beautiful the its affect is a positive one rather than a negative one.
In this way, all the good people in the world are waking up and sensing each other and begin to want a change. At a certain point, just as with the "10th monkey" we will all know what to do at the same time.I hear you @jungwatercolor and I agree. Farenheit 451 is a good example.
All of us are like cogs in a clock. Some cogs are small, some are large, some are so very tiny you need a magnifying glass to see it. Yet take jus tone cog away and the watch cannot function and stops. In this way, we are all as important as each other. The problem today is, some of the big cogs seem themselves as being more important in the clock because they are seen more. They are wrong. The small and tiny cogs must be true to the truth and understand that they are just as important. .