Beauty around you.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

The other day we visited Tennessee. First what we did, went to the Smoky Mountains. I was stunned by the beauty around me. It was a feeling like screenshots from my computer came alive. Clear, crisp a bit chill air, lush greens and the soothing sound of running water made me feel like I was in heaven. "I'm moving here", was my first reaction. When I talked later to Tennesseans they just raised their shoulders in wonder: "What are you talking about? You are from Florida and you want to live here?" I was shocked. It's like they do not see what I see. Maybe because they see it every day? I stopped for a second and thought. If they are impressed by Florida, then maybe I missing something. Maybe I'm the one who is so involved in everyday life and do not see the beauty around me. I came back home and from now on, every ones in a while, I stop for a second and look around me. I'm trying to catch beauty that other people, who are not used to it, can see. I promise to take you on the journey with me.