A study published in the British Journal of Psychology has demonstrated that a low interest in socialization is specific for very intelligent people.
So, if you’re an intelligent person, you might recognize some of these personality traits: you might be less sociable then other people and you can occasionally feel anxious, but you know that it is a normal, acceptable thing.

Psychologists discovered that there is a connection between frequent social interaction and a low satisfaction of a fulfilled life. They made studies in which they included people between the ages of 18 and 28 years.
The study goes around the idea that intelligent people can easily adapt to the challenges of modern life, so they can leave their group of friends and focus on themselves with no problem. The more intelligent a person is, the less he or she feels the need to be in a circle of people, because they don’t need that feeling of membership to feel okay.
When an intelligent person has to choose between being a part of a group of people and going on his/her own path, he/she is likely to be willing to trust his own strength. It seems that people who live in little towns are less happy.
This can be related to the fact that in a small town, the connections between people are more intimate, so the need to impress appears. When living in a small town, everyone knows who you are, so you feel pressured to act in a certain way.

while in cities people are too busy to care about what is happening to their closest neighbors.
But everyone still can't be a slave to society but it takes confidence, independence, and high self-esteem to break free from the fear of what others might think of you.@jwolf You are completely right. Due to shortage of activities, lack of proper education, less stressful life and the plenty of time they have; people in small towns are usually interested in what others do, how could this affect them and why someone is a good or bad person. Everyone there is being watched 24/7.
Thanks for sharing.
According to the Research, People are Better Intelligent
Often forget where to put a key or a cell phone? Maybe you belong to a class of intelligent people. Recent research says so. The study, published in the journal Neuron is revealed that often forget small things just show the brain in a normal and healthy.
It is said to be a sign that your brain is creating new space for more useful information. Can be concluded that often forget is a mark of the intelligent brain because able to accommodate further information.
This is also research about smart people, very interesting friend. Greetings my best friend .. haha
Why? Because most people are dumb and boring and you can see that better if you are smarter lol.
great post..........confirmed!
Very true sir @jwolf, I my self have studied and come to realize this. Intelligent people are not really social and mostly keep intelligent people like them around
So excited and fun to read about some facts like this...Especially from someone who knows better about their article. Excellent content. Thanks
You are right.. I love to stay on my own, that way i can achieve my purpose.
Good that is so intersting
I think i'm not intelligent according to your information .
But i'm still happy with what i have .
Btw information was cool ,
What about u ??? @jwolf
You are right, I agree with you. I think all are not intelligent.There are a few Nuber of intelligent people in this world. Intelligent people want to make friendship with other intelligent people. So their friends is not more like unintelligent people.
Intelligent post.....intelligent is one of big fact in human life........
everybody should be intelligent person....thanks for your intelligent post....
Nice post. resteemed, and I decide to translate it into Chinese.
I got the facts and it is true. The only issue is, that in case if intelligent people meet the same level of intelligence in others, they tend to group with those. This question was not answered in that study I believe. I think it is about different level of intelligence does not magnet each other which is normal.
The other thing is if the intelligent people is surrounded with less intelligent people, they do suffer. The human being needs socialization and that comes from senses, the codes deep in our DNAs.
Don't you think? What is your opinion?
intelligent people dont have many friends because it is hard to find someone who agrees to their school of thought and thus, they would be selective.
yeah of course one intelligent brain equals the dumb group of tens of people . So one feels like loving himself rather than others !! cheers
Well, its interesting to know about intelligent people. You are very right intelligent people don't waste their time and energy to stick to only few things. They are progressive in making relations and doing things that interest them. They know how to swim away from the activities that consume their precious time and energy.
I really nice research thank you @jwolf.
I just think because they always see that the others people are dull, Lollll. And smart people tend to be arrogant.
excellent publication, but it comes to my question: it would be without effect that raised by Maslow, that it is important for the individual to feel accepted by a group, this within human needs, could then say that, the less you care about that acceptance much more happy you can become, interesting study because it makes the call to live to meet their social needs without worrying about looking good in front of the environment.
seen from that point, we would speak of emotionally intelligent individuals ...
I am very much a loner and enjoy my own company, I always have been like that. I have a couple of good friends, and that is all I need. I suppose I am a bit of an introvert, I am a deep thinker, and hold very different views on life than that of the general population, so I find it difficult to find others I can have a good intellectual discussion.
I think there is something to this theory. It seems to me that "thinkers" may focus too much internally and not relax in social situations. Not that it is a bad thing but deep thinkers tend to be more serious and therefor a bit more isolated.
Great study and article.
I live in a small town and have social phobia, with not many friend's. Unfortunately i am not a genius or if i am i havent discovered it yet.
But im trying.
Most people don’t understand this. And cannot accept this!
Very good for thoughts!
But I am smart and I still have a lot of friends hahaha.
Well yeah, who wants to hang out with a bunch of idiots?
well intelligence is good but friends are also important :)
Clearly, smarter people have fewer friends. But this is because of several factors. One of them is even the ability they have in analyzing other people and in seeing what they can have of good and bad and what an impact it can have on their own lives. I can say that I consider myself intelligent enough to know what type of people I want far from me and what type of people I want close to me, and clearly that over the years I have been getting less and less because I see a general thought that I don't like very much.
And I could even say many other factors here, but you've already mentioned some very interesting ones.
Good article friend :)
@ t-miles
I don't understand the connection you make between being intelligent and not that interested in being social, and not being social and not happy.
I disagree.
I have a high IQ - among the 1% of the population when I lived in Denmark. I'm not very social and never have been. But I'm VERY happy. I have a "job" I love (being an independent writer). I live the best place in the world. I have a wonderful family. I'm happy, but yes, I don't socialize much.