As I stay in the village I noticed through various meetings in preparation for my father's burial that when we are facing a tough situation or a hard time in our lives that doesn’t seem to be ending, we can sometimes start to lose hope. We feel like things will always be this way and that there’s no possibility of anything changing. We may have been praying for years and not seen any change. It can be discouraging. When we lose our hope, we lose our ability to see beyond our circumstances. We can become consumed by fear, disappointment and resentment that our situation isn’t changing. But God says He ‘will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope’. I say to myself, "All will be well".
Your conscious effect toward willpower l power to win, your desire to succeed, your urge to reach your full potential, are the keys that unlock the door to personal excellence and as far as am concerned, that is faith. Or what do you think?
Good talk.