Great idea for a project Kenny. Don't take this personally, but I am warning people about one character involved here who is not principled. I do not construe this as a reflection of your project as a whole. I am copy and pasting this where applicable to keep people from getting scammed, ripped off, and burned emotionally.
@adamkokesh is a quasi-scammer, snake oil salesman politician that wants to centrally, via a federal election, plan the redistribution of resources (not via the market, but via he and his "custodians"), has threatened 9-year-old children and women, and calls anyone (usually former staffers and girlfriends) who disagrees with him "mentally disturbed," while upvoting comments calling for "hits" to be placed on people, and calling for the entire Voluntaryist movement to "drop the ideology."
Google "Shield Mutual Adam Kokesh"
Search Steemit for "Kafka Kokesh" to see the extensive list of posts I have made regarding this guy.
If you'd like to see screenshots corroborating my claims here message me in Steem chat or on discord. The Kokesh 2020 campaign is a stain on the face of real freedom and voluntaryism.
Well @kafkanarchy84, no offense but I gotta say booo. Everyone knows Adam Kokesh very well, I myself have followed him since he was a part of "Winter Soldier" as a veteran testifying about the atrocities in Iraq and Afghanistan. Of course he's a bit radical as most of us are. Especially those that take on the role he has chosen to take on. I've done it. There's no written guideline to follow, no directions. You "make it up as you go" and you do your best.
@adamkokesh rocks it pretty hard my friend, so of course his work is not going to be all daisies and clean cupboards. Frankly, I think we could use a few more guys like Adam out there working it.
This is not a simple situation we find ourselves in. It takes a lot of courage and sacrifice to make a difference.
Takes brass cahones.
To be fair “booo” is not a refutation or logical/rational rebuttal to any of the points raised. I feel like it is more of the same “he’s on my football team so all is well” stuff.
Indeed, “booo” is something often heard at sports arenas and other such massive “my collective vs. your collective” events. Sports are fun, but this isn’t sports.
Do you think someone who calls for Voluntaryists to “drop the ideology,” threatens women and children, calls fellow activists like Larken Rose “coward” or “troll,” upvotes comments calling for murder, etc, “rocks?”