What is "gender?"
What defines "gender?"
Most of our lives, we see gender as being male or female (which is correct..) but in recent years and even by some in earlier years, people have started to come up with terms such as "gender fluidity" or "gender identity" to try to apply a social aspect to a non-social term..
Gender or "Sex" was created to differentiate between having a penis and certain reproductive organs/physical traits or having a vagina and certain reproductive organs/physical traits. Nothing more, nothing less..
Until people attempted to look deeper into something that was not intended to be any deeper than it was presented..
People often mistake Masculinity and Femininity with being "Male" or "Female" but this is not the case and they are applying it completely wrong as no one has corrected them and more people are jumping on the moronic bandwagon of the idea that you can "choose" your gender.. Smh (Shaking my head.)
Male vs Female.
Gender is not something you choose, rather, something you are.
Most people confuse your social and behavioral traits (Masculine/Feminine) as your "gender" when in actuality, they are two different terms and ideas for a reason..
Being female means that you have the ability to produce eggs and have a certain set of chromosomes.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Being male means that you have the ability to produce spermatozoa and have a certain set of chromosomes.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Social behavior and gender traits/identity.
Your social behavior, whether you are male or female, is merely measured by common traits among either gender that have been fairly consistently observed over time.
(I.E. - How females tend to/generally act, as opposed to males.)
How you behave (gender BEHAVIOR - different than, and not to be confused with "gender") and how you identify your behaviors (gender IDENTITY - again, different than, and not to be confused with "gender") will NEVER alter your sexual organs, as we know by now, humans are not asexual meaning they cannot reproduce solely by themselves.
This means you are either with a penis and sperm producing or with a vagina and egg producing, making you either a male or a female.
In rare cases, it's been recorded that some may develop both and they are the one exception to the rule.
This simply means that while, yes, you can identify female or male traits of behavior while being the opposite sex, your sex (gender) cannot actually change.
You can only simply be a feminine female or a masculine female. A female cannot be the gender "male" as your organs will not alter themselves simply because you have the behavioral traits commonly pertaining to males. You do not get to identify as a "male" when you are a female, as you are not.. You are simply a masculine female, your gender trait/behavior does not change your actual gender. You don't get to call yourself a man because you act like most men do.. Period. The same goes for being a male. Simply because you exhibit feminine traits/behavior, does not mean you get to identify as a "female," as your actual gender is not changing, simply your behavior.
Femininity vs Masculinity.
This is the part of you that is defined by your social behavior along with your biological behavior. It is not to be confused with gender as you acting as one or the other gender, does not, in fact, make you that gender. It simply means you behave as that gender commonly does, despite your actual gender.
Behaving like most women, collectively, over time throughout the years have, does not make you a woman. It simply makes you feminine. Again, behaving like a female or what's commonly considered to be female in behavior, does NOT change your biological makeup. Period. This is something that you may either choose or not choose (some people don't choose to act feminine, they are simply naturally that way), but it does not alter your gender, period.
Again, simply enough, it means that you behave as men typically or consistently have over the years in observation. This, again, does NOT make you a male or a female and will not alter your biological makeup. It is simply a measurement of your behaviors and your traits, not to be confused with your gender.
What does this mean?
It means that no matter how much you act like a man or a woman, your behavior will NOT change your physical composition, ever (as far as we know and up to this date. no one can say that we won't become able to shift or not as we evolve further, but up-to-date, this is not the case.).
It means that no matter how much you want to call yourself a man, despite being a woman, you simply are not a man and vice versa.
It means that you can only identify as a masculine female or a feminine male. Not a "male" or a "female" based on your behavior, as they are a measure of your biological traits and only commonly confused as pertaining to your social and behavioral traits. You can call a diamond a spade, but that does not in fact change the fact that it is a diamond, simple as that. However, for example (as a metaphorical example in gender identity), in a game such as spades (played under certain rule sets) a diamond may act as a spade to win a hand when you put one down after not having the same suit (with the exception of spades being played as the initial suit) as it "cuts" the other suits out and produces a win, although it never actually becomes a spade..
In conclusion:
Being a female and having masculine traits makes you a masculine female, not a man and being a male and displaying feminine traits make you a feminine male, not a woman. There are no exceptions to this and having "gender reassignment surgery" does not make you the opposite gender either, it simply makes you an altered male or female.
I know this will upset some people, but I honestly do not care.. Having a surgery to receive the opposite reproductive organs does NOT make you the opposite gender, it simply means you are a mutilated male or a mutilated female. You are not a male or female simply because you slap a penis or a vagina onto what once was the opposite.. You are NOT changing your chromosomes and your body will NOT naturally start producing either estrogen or testosterone simply because it's now feeding blood and other necessities to an opposite organ from it's natural state. There is no debate about this, these are the facts.
I hope this clears up things for those of you who are confused and think gender is something you get to pick..
If not, you are entitled to your ignorance and that is just fine.
Not everyone can accept the truth and for some, the truth can be damaging to their internally generated reality.
I would also like to add, this does NOT mean I am judging you for altering your physical makeup..
I'm simply making sure you understand that you can't choose your gender, only your gender identity (which does not allow you to identify as a different gender. Ever.) and your physical composition.
If it makes you happy to have a penis rather than a vagina or vice versa, I'm all for it! No one should suffer because of physical appearance..
Just keep in mind, you are only doing just that, altering your appearance (and in some/most cases, your testosterone/estrogen levels) not your biological makeup.
I think that sexuality is a tract of personality, and two people will never have the same sexuality
Nice post, I had fun reading it. 8D
I gave upvote and you have a new follower.
Two Genders?
I am getting downvoted for saying there are only 2 genders. Click here to see who is attacking me. I am being flagged for making this meme about Caren who was at GameStop on Friday, the 28th of December, 2018. The viral videos went all over the Internet. This post was downvoted for describing biology. Did you see that show on YouTube, the Radical Cram School (RCS) and what they do to little kids?