Do you want to lose weight? We'll tell you 3 easy ways to do it

in #life7 years ago

If you want to lose weight naturally you can achieve it with proper discipline. There are many ways to lose a lot of fast weight that will produce you much hunger and fatigue.

If you do not have iron will, then hunger will make you give up these plans quickly. But we want you to do it, for this reason, we will show you 3 basic ways to lose weight according to science.

1. Avoid eating sugars and starches

Reducing carbohydrate consumption is a key part of your effort to lose weight properly; Avoiding sugar and starches, could be crucial to help you lose weight. Do you want to know why?. According to studies conducted by specialists in that area, both foods stimulate the secretion of insulin. If you did not already know, insulin is the main fat storage hormone in the body.

If your insulin levels go down, your body will begin to burn fats very easily because they (fats) would come out naturally and easily from all the deposits inside your body.

Another benefit of reducing insulin is that the kidneys release excess sodium and water from your body, which reduces swelling and unnecessary weight of water.

Then, cut the carbohydrates, lower the insulin and start eating less calories automatically and without hunger. In addition, take care of your health, because if your body does not consume the sugars and starches, your insulin levels will automatically fall and kill your appetite and make you lose weight without hunger.

In short, lowering insulin puts the Fat loss on "autopilot".

2 Feed your body with protein, Fat and vegetables

To achieve a perfect diet, in the recommended range of 20-50 grams per day, as stated by doctors who specialize in nutrition, you must include in each of your meals a good source of protein, a source of fat and vegetables low carbohydrates. Let's see, what are the most recommended protein sources for you ?:

-Meat, chicken, pork, lamb, bacon, etc. Fishes like: Salmon, trout, shrimp, lobsters, eggs.

However, you should not exaggerate the consumption of proteins. It is demonstrated by recent psychological studies that high-protein diets can also help you reduce obsessive thoughts about the foods you eat by 60%; remember to reduce the desire to eat in the late afternoon or evening.

When it comes to losing weight, protein is the king of nutrients.

Another important element in your daily diet are vegetables. You should not be afraid to load your plate with vegetables; are very healthy and provide you with many minerals and nutrients that will help your body perform its vital functions. You can eat massive amounts of them without spending more than 20-50 grams of net carbs per day. Which vegetables do we recommend you consume? Here we show you:

-Broccoli. cauliflower, spinach, brussels, sprouts, cabbage, chard, lettuce, cucumber, celery

These vegetables have very low levels of carbohydrates and are recommended for your health.

Obviously, the amount of food you eat per day is very important for your nutrition. Eat 2-3 meals a day. If you find yourself hungry in the afternoon, add a fourth meal. No problem. Also, do not be afraid to eat fat, sometimes the human body needs it. Even many specialists have recommended coconut oil. This oil contains fats called medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). These fats are more satisfying than others and may slightly increase metabolism.

Gather each meal from a source of protein, a source of fat, and a low-carbohydrate vegetable. This will put you in the carbohydrate range 20-50 grams and drastically reduce your insulin levels.

3 Routine exercise every day.Raise weights 3 times per week

You do not need to do some kind of special exercise to lose weight if you are feeding properly. However, you should exercise daily. You need to stay active to improve your heart rate. Scientific studies have shown that staying active or doing a daily activity involving using your physical strength could help you improve your heart and prevent disease.

The best option is to go to the gym very often. Do a warm up, lift weights, and then stretch. If you are new to the gym, ask a coaching consultant.

By lifting weights, you will burn a few calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which is a common side effect of losing weight. If you do this activity with much discipline, you will gain muscle. In addition, you could perform other exercises very easy if you do not like lifting weights. For example you could: walk daily for an hour or more, swim, or run, that is, you should do cardio exercises.

It is important to try to maintain healthy sources of carbohydrates such as oats, rice, quinoa, potatoes, sweet potatoes, fruits, etc.

Keep in mind that meals of tricks or carbohydrates are not necessary, but they can regulate some fat-burning hormones like leptin and thyroid hormones. You will gain some weight during your re-feed day, but most of it will be water weight and you will lose it again in the next 1-2 days.

What about calories and portion control?

It is not necessary to become someone obsessed with counting calories. You must find a balance in your life. Remember, you should always keep your carbohydrate intake low.

There are many great tools that you can use to keep track of the amount of calories you are eating. But it is always advisable to follow the advice of a specialist. However we provide you with 5 calorie counters that are free and easy to use.

Remember: your main goal should be to keep your carbohydrate intake low, barely 20-50 grams per day and get the rest of your protein and fat calories.


I agree. Since I quit sugar and starch (to ketogenic diet) in 2008 my life is totally changed! Combine this with weight lifting and you have a winning concept for a healthy weight and body!