really well put and something i have thought about a lot during the recent years. There may be merit in controlling bullying by identifying it or by controlling any discrimination that crops from humour but i think the way we have progressed and the point where we are at, the whole concept has been so exaggerated that people are now becoming sensitive about everything. In fact our definitions of bullying or racism or sexism have become quite lose.
There was a time when a joke was a joke and fighting back or being able to listen to something 'offensive' would have made you mentally stronger and helped you face challenges in real life. It would have prepared you for life ahead, that only becomes difficult, as people will gang up on you or there will be politics that you may have to deal with. It would have taught you to rise up to any occassion and figure out ways to fight back or find a solution to the problem. Now its all about curbing and covering up. You don't like something, complain about it and people will be forced to bottle up their feelings, without actually changing anything. The idea is simply to shut voices that you disagree with.