
Oh yes. Ha. Mainly we see Quebec license plates. I'm not sure why. Maybe they have more distinctive plates, or it's just that people from Quebec really like NE Florida and the rest of y'all head farther south.

A lot of Quebecers go to FLA, but true most from Ontario go South, Ft Meyers, Lauderdale, Miami.. etc..Just about everyone goes for a week or so during Winter.. I moved to Alberta, so I'm going to Sedona over New

so I'm going to Sedona over New Years

Ha, good for you. Change in pace.

most from Ontario go South,

Suckers. South Florida is the land of concrete and entirely too many humans ;)

It might be full of concrete but it's

True. I am soaking up the chilliness of this week. Your crossing the border into warm territory is how I feel when the temperature dips. I look at my winter pajama drawer with intensity and mutter something like "The time has come." And the first warm pajama wearing of the winter is this special, special time :)

I understand, those Winters in FLA … brrr….. lol