I am starting a Mindfulness Meditation course tomorrow. I am getting out of the house woohoo <3

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I start my Mindfulness Meditation course tomorrow. I have 8 weeks spending 2 hours once a week on a Friday learning how to do this properly to help me with my pain.

I was referred to Talking Therapies as I am unable to take any more medication as it either doesn't work or I am allergic too so this was my next option.

I have been learning Mindfulness Meditation via reading posts on hear or watching youtube but having the chance of being taught with a therapist will help me get into the zone a lot quicker.. I Hope

This is going to help me get out of the house and hopefully after the 2 hour lesson I will be a lot calmer and in a better mood.
When I was first referred i had to fill in a Outcome Measures form, this asks you to rate yourself on how your feeling, how your days have been and what has been in your thoughts, they will get me to fill in another one probably half way through the course then again at the end, this is t measure my depression and pain and see if the course is helping me.


I am getting myself worked up about doing this, having to walk into a strange place them meet people I have never met before. My anxiety levels will be through the roof. I get to meet the therapist thankfully but then I think I have to meet quite a few others in the same position. I will be feeling sick all night I will also be tempted and I mean very tempted to cancel it. I will have to give myself the biggest kick to go. I am determined to make the effort, I at least want to give it ago as it could open a lot of doors for me. I could make friends, This could actually work and help me with the pain, these are all positives.


Thank you @son-of-satire


Good luck... I have been practicing mindful meditation for the past year it is amazing what it can do for you and your life!

I have been doing it for quite a while just can't get it to help with the pain, hopefully this will put me in the right direction :)

Yeah I have been seeing a network chiropractor with my mindful meditation I would recommend something like that also.. he works a lot on the chakras and just getting your body and mind into the state of mindfulness! It has helped a ton!

That sounds interesting, I saw a lady a few years ago who helped me with my Chakras, it did help for a while, maybe i need another go :)

yes ,you can control your mind and body through six chakras called shadchakras in ancient Indian medical system

Thank you :)

Yeah might be worth a try I have really liked it!! It has helped a lot for me! Wish ya luck!

Thank you :)

grt. good luck .I am from india and grt admirer of meditation,both zen meditation and transcedental meditation.FOUND very less relapse rate in my patients of drug abuse ,those doing meditation.

Thank you very much :)

Look at this positively, Karen. It will be great to get out for two hours once a week and if it works it will be a huge win!

I agree, I think the first go is always the hardest :)

Making the first step in anything is always tough. After that, it is easy as pie.

That's what i was thinking :)

Best of luck with your new direction there! I have practiced various forms of meditation for many years, including mindfulness and I have found it great for controlling anxiety.

I am hoping its going to help me too, thank you :)

bein made dear friend @ karenb54 I wish you many success !!!!!!!

Thank you :)

Accept your fear...don't fight it...the less power you give it...the less control it has....I find groups like this are full of loving....caring...understanding people often in similar pain...and if your radar suggests otherwise...you can choose to leave...best of luck...please provide update...there is no such thing as a failure...just a decision we make at a given time...

I am going in with a positive open mind :)

go for it. you know you should, now do it!!

there you go a kick in the pants from the deep south.
remember, there will be somebody worse than you there, for you to help along her way, the others will also be there helping you as well'

No need for violence lol i actually need a good kick, i will push myself :)

Oh nice. Good luck indeed! Hope you find it good.

That's a type of meditation I had planned on doing but the local center here charges quite a bit so nah... Maybe I will do some other meditation. 😁 .

Thank you :)