Its been 5 days since i last posted, i have been up and down trying to get through each day as best i can. I have been spending my time trying to get on top of Christmas. I have managed to catch up with what i have bought, who for and what i need. I have my last tapping session next Monday then a phone call from the Mental Health unit for a 30 minute appointment to discuss where we go from here. I have found some benefit out of tapping but its not something that is dealing with the problems i have.
A Little Update
I was physically and mentally abused by my parents, my father was a very violent & controlling man, everything had to be done his way or he would love hos temper and hurt whoever was there, not his first 2 born they were wanted, he would take his anger out on his younger 3 especially me. He always called me useless, good for nothing and worthless amongst other things.
I was the one he beat with a Belt, he used the buckle end on me or use his pit boots which were steel capped to kick me.
My Mother was never strong enough to deal with him, she would save herself putting her children into the firing line. She never showed any love, never gave us an attention, she was a cold woman.
I was also sexually abused by my junior teacher who my parents knew about but did nothing about.
I have had counselling before plus a course of CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. They helped but nothing has helped enough so i can move on, its not as easy as it sounds. I am 55, still hear and still trying up until something kicks of and takes me back to those days, its then when i can't cope, the last time this happened i took an overdose.
I have a long way to go but determined to put the work in to find me again Karen.
I have also been out buying my 3 pups a new coat each, with the weather turning colder & wetter my dogs do not like going out, they hate getting wet especially Geordie. Me, Hubby & Nichola went coat shopping for the pups at our local Pets at Home store. Geordie has very thin fur, not sure this is due to him getting old, he feels the cold very easily. They were a bit unsure of there new clothes at first, they are now very happy with them. They all look pretty eager to go for a walk now.
I lie in bed thinking a lot, usually i do some tapping but this morning something else took my attention. Hubby was up at 5.30 for work, he came to give me my medication at 6am then he left for work, I got back into bed turned the light off hen turned over thinking the bedroom didn't seem as dark as it usually does. I then noticed what it was, there was a full moon still in the sky shining very bright. I have never noticed it before being so bright. This was taken whilst i was lying down.
Looks like a street light, i had to get out of bed to check as there is no street light there, the next photo is taken when i stood up. Wonder how many werewolves were out last nght.
Thank you @son-of-satire
Glad to hear your working on improving and sorry to hear you had such a rough upbringign but with good support and positiver energy you can get back to where you want to be
keeping you in my thoughts and prayers
PS those shot sof the moon are pretty cool
The moon fascinates me, especially a full moon, maybe i am part werewolf lol :)
The same for me, not sure if I am a werewolf but i am affected by the moon, my mood for sure changes whenever there is a full moon
I feel calmer with a full moon. My oldest daughter is the opposite. It makes you think. :)
It is interesting how it affects different people in different ways
Good to hear from you...wondered how u were doing.
I am on the mend hopefully. Hope you are well?