Luna is back home after her trip to the Vets. πŸ• πŸ₯ΌπŸ©ΊπŸ˜

in #life β€’ 10 months ago

Luna is home after her operation, she's feeling very sorry for herself. We picked her up around 2ish on Tuesday, the Vets rang to let us know the operation had gone well but Luna was very anxious so we went straight away to pick her up.

Here she is wearing the cone to hopefully stop her from licking the wounds. She was panting heavily feeling very anxious. We paid our bill thankfully most of it will be covered with the pet insurance we just pay the excess plus an admin fee for using the insurance.


Before we left the staff member explained what they had done and what they found. 2 of her warts looked fine but one was concerning so they have sent them away to be tested, this will be covered with the insurance too. She has dissolving stitches so won't need another appointment to remove them.
They also checked her teeth whilst she was knocked out, there are a couple at the very back that need to be monitored and possibly removed. That bill wont be covered as they don't cover dental work.

When we got Luna home she was acting strangely and constantly moaning, she moaned right up until we went to bed , she wouldn't sleep for more than a couple of minutes then wide awake with wide eyes, this is her anxiety, it will take a few hours to settle letting her know she won't be going back (We were very quiet about her check up on Tuesday).

They shaved the 3 places they worked on, 2 on her leg the other on the base of her spine above her tail. They haven't bothered her at all, we took the cone off after a couple of hours for her to eat and drink, the patches aren't bothering her, she hasn't licked them.


The above photo is her biggest patch. The wounds aren't bothering her, shes still trying to play with her ball but not allowed to jump around, needing help jumping on the sofa and bed. She did have us awake a few times last night, we were concerned she would lick the wounds, she couldn't get comfortable so maybe the wounds were starting to hurt, we have pain medicine to give her today with her food.

Today she is just about back to her normal, eating her treats, drinking and sleeping for a good time without any moaning. In glad that's over with, it's a worrying time. When we first went in we had to go a firm in about what was happening and what could happen. One of the questions said if her heart stops do you want the Vet to resuscitate, I of course said yes. The Vet said I would be shocked to see how many people say no. The Vet knows what in like with my pups, they mean the world to me.

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