I posted less than 45 minutes ago about today's weather. It was perfect garden weather until i turned an saw the angry clouds that were on there way.
I thought i may have had at least an hour in the garden before the rains got here. Sadly 25 minutes later i have had to stop what i was doing out there as the heavens have opened, its pouring down.
Looks like i am stuck in all day now with nothing to do other than have a few hours relaxing reading and posting on Hive. Thankfully all my plants will be getting a good watering saving me a job later on.
The rain has its advantages and disadvantages. Its kinda frustrating being stuck indoors for a while. I have experienced it before
It is very frustrating especially when i wanted to do things in the garden. :)
I just like it to rain in the evening and for now there isn't much rain pouring despite that it is the wet and rainy season here @karenb54
It hasn't rained today and not supposed to tomorrow either. Fingers crossed. I would prefer it to rain at night :)