Swimming with Del Boy & Rodney our baby Turtles 🐢 ❤️

in #life10 months ago

I introduced our new me members of our family Del Boy & Rodney baby Turtles. We have had them for 3 weeks, we want to handle them but waiting for them to settle in and get used to the noises in the house. They are still to flighty to get close to especially when they hear a loud noise, they have sensitive hearing. Once there more settled we are going to try and hand rear them.

Here they are basking under the heat lamp, they seem to like basking whilst standing like this. They bask between 6 - 8 hours, the lamp acts as the sun.


These are living in a small tank at the moment as they need to grow a little before being moved to our larger tank. These are Florida Cooter turtles, we also have 3 Musk turtles in our larger tank. The Florida Turtles grow between 1 - 2 inches a year so they won't be moved for quite some time. They are friendly turtles making them an ideal pet plus they can live up for 40 years. I'm looking forward to getting to know them better by handling them.

I could sit and watch them for hours, they are certainly more interesting than what's on TV.

In our larger tank we have 3 Musk turtles plus 3 large Oscars, the Oscars are going to have to be sold as they are getting to big for the tank.




Musk turtles aren't friendly, they can bite plus they secrete a horrible smell as a deterrent. These turtles can live to over 50, they will be here along time after me and hubby are gone, My daughter will have to deal with them, not sure she will be happy with that.

I've always had dogs for pets, love my furry animals but with getting older they are becoming hard to look after, they need lots of exercise which is something we won't be able to keep up with my pains plus hubbys joint problems, turtles are a better option as they don't need that exercise. We can both have a Florida Cooter turtle to hold and raise. I'm hoping to be able to hand feed then. We have named them after our favourite comedy show Only Fools and Horses.

Thank you for visiting 💟💟

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