So much for a weekend heatwave, we had 1 single hot day then the wind and rain came back. I had plans to re-pot my new Roses. I have a lovely man who has is own garden centre, he promotes and sells his centre on Facebook. I pick what i like then he drops them off for me, so much better than having to go to a garden centre. I bought 3 Scented Roses from him last week, White, Pink & Purple, with them being scented they will be positioned outside my back doors for when i open the door i should be able to smell them from where i am sitting.
With me buying new Flowers i now need new pots, with these going out into my back garden i wanted something nice plus they will be staying in there new home i wanted matching pots. My garden centre friend was dropping off the Roses when i mentioned i needed new pots for them. He knew a lady who was selling 4 good pots, she wanted £40 at first them dropped it to £30, i jumped at it. He came back and dropped the pots off for me yesterday.
I like they look at the minute or could give them a fresh coat of Black paint to tidy them up, there very heavy so once i have potted a Rose they won't be getting moved.
Its just as well being a bad day as i have being having a bad day, I have Fibromylagia, Chronic Pain, Osteoarthritis plus other problems, today they decided to all kick off and make every single movement painful. I have put back the re-potting until tomorrow when hopefully i will be feeling better. Hubby & Nicholas are off to Newcastle for a shop and look around a couple of Museums. I will be staying home as can't walk very far anymore, they will have photos and lots of stories to tell me when they get home. I am happy at home just me and my furbabies, they keep me company and i have a better conversation with them.
Thank you @son-of-satire
As a thought, the plants that are sold by the various gardening people are intended to live in the pot/bag that you got them in for a while.
The supplier didn't know what day the item would be sold.
Therefore, a few weeks between purchase and "re-potting" are built into the system, the plants won't mind at all.
Sorry about your pains, we only do good sunny days from here, you will have to find another Steemit mate to send you painless days.
Why.. where are you going?
I do "Sunny Days", and that is done at long range,
Pain-free days are beyond our control at present, please keep calling, your call is important to us, etc.
I keep getting the engaged tone :/
There are (mumble, mumble) calls ahead of you, please hold, your call is important to us, etc, etc.........
Heard that one a million times. Annoying lol :)
These roses are so beautiful. I hope your pain improves soon
Thank you. I think i am on the mend... again :)
You're going through a bad time at the moment. I hope the roses cheer you up.
They do thank you. My little garden helps :)
Muy lindas las plantas de rosas,tiene muy buena mano para la siembra y mucho amor y dedicacion,la felicito! Saludos a Luna que esta linda en medio de los perros,saludos@karenb54
Sorry your not up to snuff. Having nice weather here. Going to get hot and humid the next two days...Thank goodness for AC.
We have nice weather one day the next it's freezing. Enjoy the warmth :)
I know how difficult it is to suffer from fibromyalgia. I also suffer from it, I hope soon better
Thank you. :)
I love those pots and think the distressed look is great. I hope you are feeling better tomorrow!
They are so heavy, will have to get hubby to carry them for me then repot or we won't be able to move them
They look like they will last a lifetime! You got a great deal.
I am very happy with them :)