I love all forms of movement. :)
aww well now you know, you're always welcome to visit or stay if you wish. It would be so cool if you came to visit... meeting a Steemit friend in REAL LIFE. WOW!
Oh this makes sense, being a computer programmer, you had mentioned that you code and talk in 010101.... duh
Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well... that's no bueno. :(
YAY for crypto. You are already living the dream. Remember how I mentioned my friend George... the one into bitcoin. Well after he graduated college he didn't want to get a "real job", but he was super passionate about crypto currency before it became a big thing. Well, he found a company online that wrote amazing articles in Spanish, and he offered to rewrite them plus more in English for them for free. Then 6 months down the road he starts his travel journey and ends up in Uruguay where the company was located. They offered him a job on the spot and he got to work with a Bitcoin startup company. I always found his story to be really inspirational! The power of the internet to connect others is amazing, and I thought it was super cool he pursued his dreams and didn't let society tell him what he could or couldn't do. He now lives in a different country from me, so it's sad that I don't get to see him, but we skype, which is nice! I always miss him like crazy, but I know he's happy, so I'm happy for him. :) Thought I would share since you remind me so much of him and maybe you will relate well to this story. hehe.
Thanks. Very interesting to read...thanks for sharing it! And I expect you would be a natural at dance (probably a lot easier than that other thing too?! ;) )
Maybe I will do some programming again, but it would only be for my own project... trading, or even something to do with steem but I haven't thought too much about what might be possible.
But wow, Uruguay of all places! hehe ;D
haha you would think! I like acroyoga and dances such as salsa, because people can lead me. I follow well, but if you ask me to stand and walk on my own, I'm notorious for running into the wall. derp derp derp. dats me. lol
What kind of things did you make in the past? Programming is so intense. That's what my dad did for a living. He's all about the 010110 life. hehe. Growing up our fun activity to do with each other was to build computers together. Well more like he built them, and I put the screws on. 😋
Who knows.. maybe you'll end up in Uruguay and then I'll have to connect the two of ya'll. You guys would probably be besties. 👯 He's also very very intelligent. You two would be able to keep up with each other.
Worked on some computer games in the past, but more recently business type software (pretty boring). Problem is after trading for a bit I'm not sure I have either the patience or attention spam any more (plus, buy/sell is so much simpler)! Actually, my new new job as a "steemit curator" is even simpler(!), I just need to click on the upvote button 🤣
haha! click happy? I see that, you have been curating my posts, which I totally appreciate 😊
That makes sense... you like games, so making games would be pretty neat.
OH OH OH... now that you have all this free time you have to start reading Ready Player One. I really cannot wait for you to read the book, I would bet 100% that you will enjoy it so so much.
P.S. I see you stepped up your emoji game. 🤣😉🤗
Yes, so now I have all this free time.....but somehow ...I still don't have any free time!! haha :) Wonder why... 💁😂
But yes, will read that book, hopefully, definitely :)
it's cuz you met me. LOL productivity down hill.
BUT it's just so fun chatting with you. :)
AND that's what audio books are for. :) Don't you like bedtime stories? That's my favorite way to read books.
Good plan,
batmanbatgirl ;)