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RE: Video Marketing Tips for YouTube!

in #life8 years ago

What! Girl we have so much in common. I didn't know that you also have a YouTube Channel. I'll have to check it out. My handle is KarenSueStudios and my channel is about acroyoga and crafting! :) Also great tips!


Aww Mine is just coloring book flip throughs right now! I need to make more videos. I'm a little scared getting my face on camera hehe :) I'll need to subscribe to your channel!

Don't be! People love seeing other people on the videos. I just followed you on there. It makes them more personal. I saw the cool sketches you have on yours. I need to record myself drawing one day too! :)

Awww You should! I just need to practice more :) I could always do my blogs in video form too hehe.

OOo yes you should! I bet all your fans will love it. Plus with video, you can record is 100 times if you want and no one has to know :P I'm pretty awkward on camera, but like everything in life, practice makes perfect!