Which Choices Have You Made Today?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

How many of us woke up this morning with the first thought of being grateful for being alive? How many have thanked our Creator for granting us another chance for doing things different today?

For the passed week I have to admit that life was very hard on us making it very difficult to stay positive and see the bright side of challenges. When I woke up today I decided to refuse to close the week in this same state of mind. Eventhough loved ones around us may still choose to remain unhappy, I choose not to be.

It is so easy like that. It is a choice we all make every minute of our life. Feeling miserable and therefore being unhappy is impacting everyone around us. Unknowingly (but some people are aware), you are impacting the mood of others around you in a negative way. No, no, no...life is worth to experience all the good things and not to spend deliberately your time on things that make you unhappy.

So today I will smile more to all people, not to only the ones I know. You will probably never know how you have made someones day just by a simple smile. Explore the power of happiness.


Today I will be more appreciative. Spend more time on the little things around us that we normally take for granted. Appreciate all things that people do around us, the postman, the gardener, the cleaning lady but also the playful pets that make you smile. Explore the power of appreciation.


Today I will do what comes naturally to my mind. Just allowing an unplanned day. No list to work through which was made in advance. None of that. Let's allow the energy to flow freely. No boundaries, no limits and just allow the good things to happen to us. Explore the power of freedom.


Today I will not blame anyone for anything. I will not deliberately judge anyone against my set of standards. If I feel unhappy, I will first assess my own actions and correct. I will admit and say sorry. Very simple words, but probably killing for many people to admit and say. Explore the power of selflessness.

Today I will be a different person compared to yesterday. That is my choice. Nothing stands still. Explore the power of change.


Do you have the courage as well? I bet you do.
Which choices have you made today?


I am experiencing the worst things in life one can imagine and it makes the most basic things more vivid and important for me like a gold that I have to value more and treasure in my heart and mind.

Only when one is challenged by being limited, one truly understands the value. So that is why I dedicated this post to the very basic things we normally take for granted.so dear @cryptopie explore them all to the fullest. No bounderies and no limits.