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RE: Still Writing? Still. Still Traveling? Still.

in #life5 months ago

Ahhhh the good old 'small talk' subjects. I really don't like them because it always remains so shallow and everyones non verbal communication speaks out everything.
'still a nurse?' God I hate this....
'ow you have a coaching degree as well' ...rolling eyes from the other side.

Big groups...hate them big time.

But yeah travelling with makes choices and priorities, it doesn't have to be so expensive? And also....I'd rather take a 10 vacays versus buying a flashy car, its all about priorities right?


Yeah, I'm not a group person either. For me, these subjects (on my part, at least) have been a useful way to sort out people I might want to know better. When I see the dead eyes and just trucking along attitude in someone, I just know it's unlikely we'll be close.

And also....I'd rather take a 10 vacays versus buying a flashy car, its all about priorities right?

100%! I get the "oh travel is so expensive, you so lucky" card a lot from people who fall into the traditional buy a car, buy a flat, buy a ton of clothes schtick. Well obviously it's gonna seem expensive then :D Haven't caught up with you in a sec, but really hope you're well!!