To be honest. If I really really think about the magnitude of the universe it is so uncomprehendble big, that I believe we are not even like dust in this whole system.
Unlike the facts we still tend to think that allllll the galaxies move around us, that important is that 1 creature having a soul on earth.
We are only part of the gigantic ecosystem. And as good ants that we are, our only true instinct should be survival and reproduction. Yet we have feelings and these take the better of us more than often causing destructive behavior. I enjoy having feelings though! Dont get me wrong!
But we would do a lot better thinking in the better picture and helping our species and ecosystem with survival. So yeah, I believe in the power of the universe. Some people would call it God, Im not a bookbeliever. I believe in the universe
Ps. Awesome donation! And it ended up in the right spot!