
I didn't say all that. Nice try. I only say citizenship is a responsibility, not an asset. To build up a country requires sacrifice over multiple generations. The same to build up a community.

To emphasize on sacrifice, responsibility ... is cheap nationalist dangerous ideological discourse. Proven by history and millions of deaths. Sacrifice of what? of $0.5m? of life? of property? of freedom? whose life and property. I object this 'argument' to be included into the discussion.

States exist because of nationalism and Citizen is a nationalist concept. So how can you now claim "dangerous ideology" for a concept which is inherently nationalist?

The fact is, if you're a citizen then whether you accept the ideology or not; you will be paying taxes, you will be sacrificing, you will be responsible, or else the consequences for irresponsibility, for tax evasion, or for unwillingness to sacrifice, are what you have to face.

This is mere costs vs benefits. If you're a citizen it is a lot cheaper for you to be a good citizen than a bad citizen. Cheaper in terms of opportunities you get vs consequences.

The concept of community building is all about adding value. To add value requires some level of sacrifice whether it's taxes, or work, or sharing knowledge, or whatever it is that you bring. So I cannot say even for Steem that it's not about giving back. The difference with Steem is that you get paid for adding value. The government works different in that you pay them, in taxes, in service, and may even lose your life in the process in some instances.

So I don't call it any sort of asset. I don't even say Steem is an asset. An asset is something which rises in value over time. So you put X amount of value in and you get Y amount of value out over time. The value you get out over time is more than you initially put into it and that is an asset.

If we are talking a community or a country, you may put years of your life in and never get the equivalent value out. You may work hard, pay taxes, abide by the laws, do community service, and still end up worse off for it long term. So can we call it an asset? In my opinion we should not. This is why I call it a responsibility, it's something people do because it's expected and because it's necessary.

Chores, duties, stuff people must do to keep things running. This doesn't mean it's fun. This doesn't mean the people doing it will get anything out of it or that what they get out of it will be of equal value to what they put in. We can say this for voting, we can say this for jurty duty, we can say this for taxes, we can say this for community service, or anything else. It's ultimately just shared sacrifice.

Lotsa contradictions I encounter here, but no time to go over them all in detail today. In a nutshell.: [1] states exist because of nationalism? - californian, andalusian, welsh, bavarian? -isms are ideologies, real constructs / nations are not all -istic. Yes, every polity has its ritual and signs but to have systematic exceptionalism is archaic and barbaric. [2] Sacrifical treatment I do not take for sustainability reasons. If you give more than you take you'll get exhausted. Only the most brutal antihumane regimes like the russian communism and its metastases in form of 'peoples republics' do treat citizens as 'debtors' of state or rather as cattle and as ... consumable. [3] There are only a few countries which have fair laws and real rule of law. In 80% of the countries to be good citizen means to be extremely poor and hungry. Cost/benefit analysis ofc, and that's why ppl change countries / migrate. From times immemorial and forever. ASIDE from the fact that good citizens bad citizen you will not find in any legal text, for being extremely radical anti-humanism. [4] Yes, build community FOR pay back. Even parenthood is not form of parasitism but investment in longer run. Ppl join communities not to sacrifice something for the common good, but to put a little and to take out MORE - all for-loss enterprises are doomed to perish, communities building pays off under the Metcalfe's law, which empirically and intuitively has been felt for millennia. That's why entire countries form unions - not just for the linear economy of scale but for the cumulative exponential beneficial effect. [5] I explained many times that it is not asset, constitutionally, worldwide. It gives you certain access vs certain obligations. What I reduction-ad-absurdum-ed was IMAGINE if it is or was an asset, a tradeable item. Well, I think this would be much fairer arrangement. And by citizenship market index it would be instantly visible how much a country worth. [7] 'shared sacrifice' excuse me but is on the very borderline with 'satanic' or 'sadistic' school of geopolitics.