Graduation is a great achievement that shows that you have dedication and courage. Having a title generates opportunities and options that you may have never had before. In fact, you may now have so many options that you feel overwhelmed.
Whether you are graduating from high school, college or a vocational institute, part of the challenge after graduation is determining what you want to do with all the options that are available.
Below are several common concerns and suggestions for those looking for opportunities after graduation:
Set goals. Spend time determining professional goals in the short and long term. Remember that, while setting goals, you do not need to know what you are going to do for the rest of your life. Set goals that can help you better determine what you want to do in the future. The Work Self-Sufficiency Workshop can help you determine and plan your goals. Once you have set the goals, write them down, place them in a place where you can see them and strive to achieve them.
"I am fully convinced that if we do not set goals in our lives or learn to master the techniques of living to achieve our goals, we will reach old age and look back on life and realize that we will have achieved only a small portion of our full potential, "said Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. "If we come to master the principles that have to do with setting goals, then we can make a big difference in the results we achieve in this life" (Preach My Gospel, 2004, page 156)
God can know and be so powerful that he knows every language of every country.