In my culture, we appreciate adult art, it is , but art - as is lust a chemical process of the mind, with a view to our core DNA to procreate
It exists, because it is nature, and it is designed that way, to make sure we do not go extinct, by over thinking "procreation"
Controversial, but true, in my opinion
And now i will enjoy some art, and inspiration while i build this city.
There is nothing better, than a muse, for creativity
No Machu
I want to study science, and have the people know the truth, so we all stop fucking around wasting our time on shit that doesnt matter
Give the UAP files - to the scientists - and let them improve the earth - we will save, HUNDREDS of years
It does look like gloating, but
I am trying to proivide explanation, for what looks like smut, its not smut, its art, and art, in all forms, is essential to culture of a society
And mine is a progressive one - never gloat - but, always explain,
If we do not explain, then it LOOKS like gloating, until one elaborates
Anywayway, im getting back to my game, having fun - nice to relax after all that
If Angela White is out there somewhere, im pretty sure she can explain what im talking about, hey, she ran for election once, read her in on it - will provide valuabe insight
ALSO, big fan of your work Angela, always quality scenes, i always laugh when you do that thing where your like "Ok were going to do reverse cowgirl now, which sucks to film, but you want it"
Remember those scenes you did with the property sex dude? haha, i laughed my ass off, you were like "we only do this for you - no one has sex this way" lol
By not releasing the information to the scientific community, you are knowingly, wasting tax payer dollars.
Why is someone studying advanced quantum physics right now, on a grant, or otherwise, if you have information that "Moves the needle"
Think about it - disclosure - at least to the scientific community, is actually, just us pissing away our money away on great minds, that are studying things they dont even need to be.
Tell them the truth, break the paradigms, lets all study, and make the world a better place
Got political or religious differences? guess what, its a big universe - you can settle anywhere you want.
My suggestion - i respect all who they are - lets work together, develop spaceflight and colonization - and all have our own places to be, and not be bothered - that - is how you get "world peace" - its the only way i see, otherwise we are doomed to die, because one day, someone will just get angry and hurt someone, and then were all off to war.
In my opinion, colonization of space is better done with Space Stations AROUND planets, not ON the planets - because its easier for our biology, no idea how your going to work out the gravity,
Joe Rogan !! Brother - Tell it
need some pankillers brb - they are up the house
just took 2 x ibuprofen - light headache, water to alcohol chemistry is out of sync, bringing it back, thats all
Dont worry, im not going to broadcast this , its just for internal purposes only - needs explanation, otherwise you would think im some horrible person right ?
No, i just love art - and sex, do you all not?
Art is great ,
World oldest profession to fyi, older than religion, fact
You see, the problem you all have, is that your scared, of your natural form.
You are naked, clothes are an INVENTION - you have just been wearing them so long, you have forgot that
Thats what you look like, why hide it? make art from it - why not i say, if its tasteful,
Tasteful is essential,