I take revenge, and my revenge is terrible – do we really need to avenge the insult and evil?

in #life9 years ago

I take revenge, and my revenge is terrible – do we really need to avenge the insult and evil?

"If you long to sit by the river, you can see how it swims corpse of your enemy." "The art of war by sun Tzu

Really wanting someone to avenge the insult and evil, or to avenge the betrayal, we like go on the warpath. Thought overcomes only one goal – to make people hurt, to make him suffer just as you suffer because of his words or actions. Everything else fades into the background. In the first place is REVENGE for the insult and evil...

I must admit, I too had such thoughts at parting with "men of my dreams." My head is spinning: "how could he! Who does he think he is!". I wanted to make this man suffered, so it was bad. Immediately matured crazy ideas how this can be implemented. The brain gave rise to the insidious plans of how to make the offender suffer.

A dangerous condition indeed. The desire to avenge the betrayal, or the hurt and the evil that resides inside you like a weed envelops the mind, the soul and does not think about anything else. You're becoming obsessed. Revenge becomes the purpose – the primary leading you on life's path.

Fortunately, I have these outbursts of anger are the next day "plan Barbarossa" crumble like a house of cards. Sleep and bringing my thoughts in order, I understand that this is not the way to retaliate for the offense.

Not think painful that you are no longer together, you may help tips in the article "How to survive the separation from loved ones?"

If we consider the relationship between a man and a woman, then actually what we want retribution? Due to the fact that the opponent agreed with us to leave? But no smoke of fire does not happen. So, you are two halves destined to be together. So, in some ways you are right for each other.

M. photo 3A to understand men and know what suits you, I advise you to read the article Rashid Terranova "How to understand man. Or the psychology of men, similar to the psychology of dogs".

If the case of adultery, it turns out, the person in the other woman found those qualities are not in you. But that doesn't mean that you are bad. The other man will appreciate their value and will appreciate, and this means... just not yours. Of course, it is difficult to understand and accept at first. It will be useful to read a book R. Terranova "the Most intimate male mysteries and secrets"

Sober thoughts on the cold head. And when we are outraged, angry, controlling us, only resentment, whispering in his ear: "This cannot stand, we need to get him back!".

How important it is not to listen to this deceptive, lying voice. How important it is to drown it in the Bud until it grew into an obsession to get even with the offender, so much so that he remembered for a long time. Why is it so important? But let's fast forward to the future and see an example scenario of how events will unfold, if you still decided to pay back.

Now you know the nature of man, his weaknesses, therefore, to plot how to hurt him in principle, not difficult...in theory. Next you need to think about strategy and maneuvers. You wrestle with how to apply all your theory into practice. How to trap, what trap to arrange as to criticize his new girlfriend (if that's the reason the opponent), or how to ruin his career, causing moral or material damage. Everything else you don't care. Own work, friends, relatives – be episode in your life. The main character is a bully and his desire to crush, to pulverize. You can even have fun normally can't because mind sitting this nasty worm, and sharpens you from within, saturating them with venom.

And here you achieve. The revenge plan is implemented. The person who made you suffer in pain just as you do once. And what happens to your soul at that moment? She calmed down? Are you happy? But to really find harmony with yourself, I recommend reading the book Anastasia guy "do Not fly with elephants, or Principles of happiness"

Usually, the person who loses purpose in life, and revenge for some time was the goal, feels empty. What's next?

M. photo 4A because you missed so many things in life: happy, pleasant, good-natured. While you with fiery eyes walked the streets. May have missed is the person with whom you would be happy. But you did not notice because he was busy: revenge. Or is he scared of your mad look and vibe, radiating evil.

If it's not about you, then you might want to read "Some ideas about where to meet men for a serious relationship".

Never, never revenge for the insult and evil did not bring satisfaction. About this shot hundreds of times already in the movie and proves the practice of life. And not to forget about this moment: who you think you are? Who gives you the right to decide the fate of another person, punishing him for his actions? It is not your prerogative. Of course, all situations are different and sometimes the offender really deserves punishment. But! Not with your submission.

Everything in life really happens on the boomerang effect and the life she knows when to encourage and when to punish. In a year or two, and maybe ten or even at the end of life, but the man gets what he deserves. Still, the Indians are not so vain shaking of their karma, something in this. A bad deed begets punishment, but in what it will be and when, we decide not to you...

It would not have hurt you man, let go of him mentally, emotionally. It is sometimes very difficult. He'll get his, believe me. But let your hands, figuratively speaking, will not be stained with foreign blood, even if they remain clean.

Simply remove it from your memory and delete from the life. You have different ways. Probably this situation was projected by someone over to teach you something. So you will not commit such mistakes. After all, just nothing happens, both good and bad. That's something needed. The main thing to be able to see in this situation, the essence, learn from the experience and move on. (photo 6) Read about how the obstacles are a step in the article Anastasia guy "Any problem is just a hidden opportunity."

This is true not only of men and women. At times, betray friends, colleagues, even harder when it is done by native people. Think first: how to live, how to believe when people whom you trusted more than myself here and so did with you? Yes, it hurts. Inexplicable. Unreasonably. But don't turn your life into a race for retribution. Everyone has there own judge. And if we sometimes think that a lot of injustice, and only you can get justice, this is a misconception.

And do not stick to the opinion that revenge for the insult and evil is a dish best served cold. This is a dish that does not need to cook. It's poisonous for you.

Of constructive ways to distract yourself from thoughts of revenge, it may be advisable, for example, to fully occupy themselves with something. When a person is busy, evil thoughts are more difficult to get into the head. Someone downloads a job, some people prefer to give up and go on a little trip, change of scenery, and someone who increases physical activity – it also helps to get rid of internal negativity.

It is useful to read the article Anastasia guy "How to feel the taste of life."

Do not spin the situation in my head again and again. Why did this happen? What have I done wrong? What would happen if...All. Stop. The conclusions you did? Done! More about this situation, no words. Otherwise it can turn into paranoia, yet what good effect on the self-esteem, and there to depression and apathy is not far away.

And remember, in revenge, you prepare not only a trap for the offender. But also for themselves. With the past you need to leave, let him go and not look back, otherwise it may not be the future...